El Dorado Irrigation District & Weimar Water Company send letters to Governor – End Emergency Drought Proclamation

January 29, 2017


Gerry LaBuddie, General Manager, Weimar Water Company

Dear Governor Brown: On behalf of the people and water districts of Northern California, we urge you to end your emergency drought proclamation, first pronounced in 2012, and call an end to the mandatory conservation measures imposed on Californians….

Letter: Weimar Water Company letter to Governor


Tom Cumpston, Acting General Manager, El Dorado Irrigation District

…We recognize that there remain limited areas in California where drought conditions are still in effect.  We therefore will advocate that the SWRCB focus its assistance on those areas in meeting their water needs and conservation requirements.  However, where drought conditions have ceased to exist like at EID, we will urge the SWRCB to rescind the emergency conservation regulation completely or let it expire in February, and restore local control.

Letter: EIDs letter to Governor Brown

Placer County Water Agency and the City of Roseville join proposed Sites Reservoir project

January 28, 2017

Contact: Ross Branch, Public Affairs Manager, PCWA (530) 823-1937



Roseville’s City Council and Placer County Water Agency’s (PCWA) Board of Directors has opted into the initial phase of the Sites Reservoir project—a proposed off stream surface water facility west of the Sacramento River. With this approval, both water agencies will officially invest into the project and join other water districts in providing necessary backing to cover a portion of the project costs. The merits of the project comport with Roseville and PCWA’s longstanding commitment of improving water supply reliability for customers and creating projects that promote environmental sustainability.

“We have a commitment towards water supply stewardship,” said Susan Rohan, City of Roseville Mayor. “Both Roseville and PCWA believe in a project like this because it offers tremendous opportunity to capture and store rainfall and put it to good use – for both water supply and the environment.”

The proposed project would divert water from the Sacramento River and its tributaries. Water would fill the off-stream reservoir during times of high flow, including the winter months when surplus water is usually available, with up to 1.8 million acre-feet of water. If Sites had been in place in 2016, about 500,000 acre-feet could have been captured and stored—a much-needed boost to overall state water supplies in the middle of the recent historic drought.

“As recent dry years have shown, continued reliance on the American River to meet statewide demands necessitates the need for storage alternatives,” said Gray Allen, PCWA District 1 Director. “The Sites Reservoir project is a critically important effort to increase overall surface water storage north of the Delta, and benefits the citizens of Placer County by easing the constraints created by drought. Sites Reservoir will enhance our communities’ economies and provide tangible environmental benefits.”

Looking ahead, the project is envisioned to alleviate some of the burden often felt when water is released from Folsom Reservoir for environmental purposes through coordination and integration with the Central Valley Project statewide system, which includes Folsom Reservoir.  Ostensibly, Sites Reservoir would expand the pool of available water resources and used to meet environmental benefits in the Delta, which would effectively increase the amount of water available in Folsom Reservoir year-round.

“In order to obtain approval and eventually build a project of this magnitude, it requires strategic partnerships like we’ve been able to attain with Roseville and PCWA,” said Jim Watson, general manager at Sites Project Authority. “We are assembling a critical mass of water agencies who see the vision and need of creating another water supply asset that has lasting statewide benefits.”

By opting into the project, both Roseville and PCWA will participate on the Sites Joint Powers Authority Board.  The water agencies will share a board seat, rotating annually, and participate in technical support work needed to develop plans to operate the proposed reservoir. While Roseville and PCWA do not intend to obtain water allocations from this project, both agencies see the benefit of increased water supply reliability for its customers by reducing reliance on the American River.

SNC Grant Opportunities

January 27, 2017


Sierra Nevada Conservancy

For more information contact Elisa Brown at Elissa.Brown@sierranevada.ca.gov

Upcoming grants that might be of interest:

  • The Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Phase II Grants (due February 15) provide up to $100,000 to address critical water supply needs, water quality, and ecological resilience. The purpose of this program is to support established watershed groups in implementing on-the-ground watershed management projects.
  • The Rose Foundation California Wildlands Grassroots Fund (due February 15) provides funding to grassroots conservation organizations advocating for the permanent protection of intact wildlands to help preserve California’s wilderness and native biological diversity. The Fund’s program includes support for restoration and stewardship.
  • Strong Foundation grants (due February 15) support efforts that instill an ecological ethic in individuals and communities, and that encourage grassroots environmental action.
  • The California Arts Council Local Impact Grant Program (due February 17) provides project and partnership support for small arts organizations reaching communities that have limited access to the arts, including rural areas.
  • The Off-Highway Vehicle Grant Programs (due March 6) provide funding for planning, development, maintenance, and restoration of motorized recreational trails.
  • The Farmers Market Promotion Program grants (due March 27) support the development, improvement, and expansion of farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, and agritourism activities.
  • The Federal Lands Access Program (due April 7) develops transportation and infrastructure projects (roads, parking, bike trails, etc.) that provide access to federal public lands, particularly those with high recreation use.
  • The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation In-Lieu Fee Program helps fund on‑the-ground wetland restoration, establishment, and enhancement projects in priority service areas. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

 Your SNC Area Representative can help you set up an individual consultation with the SNC Funding Team to get advice about specific funding opportunities or general fund development strategies. To take advantage of this resource, contact your Area Representative.

 Grant Writing Workshops are available to help build the capacity of organizations that serve the Sierra Nevada Region. If you are interested in organizing or attending a workshop, contact your Area Representative.




January 26, 2017

The New Trump Administration – A View from the Top

At MCWRA’s first regional event of 2017, meet Federal and State representatives in person and hear their views on the new Trump Administration.  In the afternoon, we have put together a regional panel of top managers to provide their views.  Panelists will also discuss challenges and opportunities and how to work with our state and federal partners to enhance local and regional interests in the mountain counties region.

Date:  Friday, February 24, 2017

Time:  9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Doors Open at 8:45 a.m.

Location:  The Ridge Golf Course and Event Center, 2020 Golf Course Rd, Auburn, CA 95602

Contact:  John Kingsbury (530)957-7879 –  johnkingsbury.mcwra@gmail.com

Registration Open – RSVP today: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2803083



United States Congressman Doug LaMalfa





United States Congressman Tom McClintock






California State Senator Tom Berryhill






California State Senator Ted Gaines 






California State Senator Jim Nielsen






California State Assembly Member Kevin Kiley



Afternoon Panel 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

  • Sean Bigley,  Public Affairs Administrator, City of Roseville
  • Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager, South Tahoe Public Utility District
  • Einar Maisch, General Manager, Placer County Water Agency
  • Ken Payne, Interim General Manager, El Dorado County Water Agency
  • Marcus Yasutake, Environmental and Water Resources Director, City of Folsom

Moderator: Brian Poulsen, General Counsel, El Dorado Irrigation District

Event Sponsored and Underwritten by: SAGE and HDR


Registration Open – RSVP today:http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2803083

SAVE the DATE: The New Trump Administration

January 18, 2017

The New Trump Administration – A View from the Top

At MCWRA’s first regional event of 2017, meet  federal and State representatives and hear their views on the new Trump Administration.  In the afternoon, we have put together a regional panel of top managers to provide their views.  Panelists will also discuss challenges and opportunities and how to work with our state and federal partners to enhance local and regional interests in the mountain counties region.

Date:  Friday, February 24, 2017

Time:  9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Location:  The Ridge Golf Course and Event Center, 2020 Golf Course Rd, Auburn, CA 95602

Contact:  John Kingsbury (530)957-7879 –  johnkingsbury.mcwra@gmail.com

Registration Open – RSVP today: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2803083

United States Congressman Doug LaMalfa

State Senator Jim Nielsen

State Assembly Member Kevin Kiley

Also other invited guests to be announced

Afternoon Panel 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

  • Sean Bigley,  Public Affairs Administrator, City of Roseville
  • Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager, South Tahoe Public Utility District
  • Ken Payne, Interim General Manager, El Dorado County Water Agency
  • Einar Maisch, General Manager, Placer County Water Agency
  • Marcus Yasutake, Environmental and Water Resources Director, City of Folsom

Moderator: Brian Poulsen, General Counsel, El Dorado Irrigation District

Event Sponsored and Underwritten by: HDR and SAGE


Registration Open – RSVP today:http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2803083

Calaveras County Water District Comment Letter to the SWRCB

January 17, 2017


The webpost yesterday inadvertently left off the Calaveras County Water District SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter.


CCWD SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter

SWRCB Emergency Regulation Workshop Comment Letters

January 16, 2017

The State Water Resources Control Board will hold a public workshop on January 18, 2017, to receive input on the current Emergency Regulation for Statewide Urban Water Conservation. This will be an informational workshop only and the State Water Board will take no formal action

Background:  The Emergency Regulation is scheduled to expire on February 28, 2017 if the Board does not act to extend it.  A readopted Emergency Regulation would extend through October 2017.

The State Water Board is interested specifically in public comment on the following questions at this workshop:

1. What elements of the existing May 2016 Emergency Regulation, if any, should be modified? Should the State Water Board wait until the hydrology for the current water year is known (April or later) before proposing adjustments to the current method for calculating conservation standards? And, should the State Water Board allow suppliers to update or modify their conservation standard calculations (and if so, how)?

2. Should the State Water Board account for regional differences in snowpack, precipitation, and lingering drought impacts differently than under the current emergency regulation, and if so, how?

3. Executive Order B-37-16 requires the Board to develop a proposal to achieve a mandatory reduction in potable water use that builds off the mandatory 25 percent reduction in previous Executive Orders and lessons learned through 2016. The Board, however, is not required to act on this proposal. Should the Board act now, or later if conditions warrant, to a conservation standard structure like the one the Board adopted in February 2016 to achieve a mandatory reduction in water use? Should the Board set a conservation floor, individually or cumulatively?


In response to the three questions, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association and several members submitted written comments encouraging the State Water Board to rescind the Emergency Regulation or let it lapse, and return local control to water districts:





MCWRA SWRCB Comment Letter




CCWD SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter





City of Roseville SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter



EID SWRCB Workshop Letter

EIDs letter to Governor Brown



PCWA SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter



NID SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter




STPUD SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter




TUD SWRCB Workshop Comment Letter

MCWRA Board Officials – 2017

January 7, 2017

At the January 5, 2017 Mountain Counties Water Resources Association Board meeting, the Board seated its directors and officials.  Executive Director, John Kingsbury showed a Powerpoint presentation of the Associations history, activities, regional & statewide issues and challenges.  Presentation: History-Activities-Regional and Statewide Issues & Challenges

Other Board action: It appointed Ron Ringen, Director, Tuolumne Utilities District, to the Governance Committee and to the Legislative and Governmental Affairs Committee.

left to right: Jim Holmes, Brian Oneto, Scott Ratterman, Michael Ranalli, Barbara Balen, Mike Lee, Neil Cochran


Jim Holmes, Director

Term: 2015-2018

Supervisor, County of Placer



Brian Oneto,  Director

Term: 2017- 2020

Supervisor, County of Amador



Scott Ratterman, President

Term:  2015-2018

Director, Calaveras County Water District


Michael Ranalli, Treasurer

Term: 2017-2020

Supervisor, County of El Dorado, &

Director, El Dorado County Water Agency



Barbara Balen, Vice President

Term: 2017-2020

Director, Tuolumne Utilities District



Mike Lee, Director

Term: 2017-2020

Director, Placer County Water Agency



Neil Cochran, Director

Term: 2016-2018

Director, Foresthill Public Utility District




Dave Breninger, Ambassador

Appointed: 2016

Retired, General Manager, Placer County Water Agency



Norm Krizl, Ex Officio

Appointed: 2016

Past Director, Georgetown Divide Public Utility District



Bill George, Ex Officio

Appointed: 2017

Past Director, El Dorado Irrigation District



Tuolumne Utilities District moves forward with feasibility study for reservoir

January 3, 2017

more: http://www.mymotherlode.com/news/local/278888/t-u-d-moves-forward-with-feasibility-study-for-reservoir.html

Managing for Sustainability: Are you ready for permanent water rationing?

December 28, 2016

GUEST COMMENTARY: Managing for Sustainability: Are you ready for permanent water rationing?

Commentary written by John Kingsbury, Executive Director of the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association:

Poised to seize control of water districts, the State plans to mandate permanent water conservation regulations while circumventing long standing water rights laws….

This approach represents a fundamental shift of control away from local water districts and their communities to state mandated permanent water conservation standards.  The proposed recommendations in this framework are intrusive, inequitable, and cost prohibitive for water districts and their ratepayers.  Long-term, these proposed standards would erode water rights, and adversely affect local control over land use decisions, wildlife and aquatic habitats, recreation, tourism, our economies and the quality of life people enjoy in this region.  The new water-use standards have the potential to increase fire-prone vegetation, tree mortality and the risk of catastrophic fire in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) which characterizes the mountain counties region

More: https://mavensnotebook.com/2016/12/28/guest-commentary-managing-for-sustainability-are-you-ready-for-permanent-water-rationing/

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