MCWRA Welcomes Union Public Utility District to Membership

August 23, 2023

Justin Caporusso
Executive Director/MCWRA
(916) 412-0571



Mountain Counties Water Resources Association
Welcomes Union Public Utility District to Membership

 MOUNTAIN COUNTIES, Calif. (August 23, 2023) – The Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) is proud to announce that Union Public Utility District (UPUD) has joined its Executive Membership.  UPUD was formed in 1946 as an independent special district to provide agricultural and domestic water services.

”UPUD is excited to join Mountain Counties Water Resources Association to work together to advocate for important issues unique to our mountain region,” said Jessica Self, General Manager.  “MCWRA membership provides UPUD with the additional resources and partnerships to protect and enhance our local services.”

UPUD serves over 1,700 domestic and agriculture customers within the communities of Murphys, Vallecito, Douglas Flat, Six Mile and Carson Hill.  UPUD’s boundaries covers approximately 19.1 square miles within Calaveras County.

Additional details about UPUD can be accessed here:

MCWRA serves a total of 55 Executive, Affiliate, and Associate Members across 12 of California’s mountain counties, including Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Mariposa, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sierra, Tuolumne, and Yuba Counties.

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association Mission is to promote the statewide importance of Sierra Nevada water resources through advocacy and collaboration.  This Mission is realized through strengthening Members’ regional leadership, collaboration, information sharing, issue awareness, education, advocacy, and potential legislative action or legal support.



MCWRA Featured In Irrigation Leader Magazine

July 10, 2023


Speaker Presentations from “California-United Water Conference: Silicon Valley Tour”

July 9, 2023

“California-United Water Conference: Silicon Valley Tour” Speaker Presentations


Jim Wunderman, Bay Area Council/New California Coalition – California’s Water Future

Turlock Irrigation District Project Nexus
Josh Weimer, External Affairs Manager, Turlock Irrigation District
Dr. Roger Bales, Professor of Engineering & Management, UC Merced
Olivia Virgadamo, State Water Project Business Operations & Work Prioritization Lead, CA Department of Water Resources

Silicon Valley Clean Water: Wastewater Treatment Plant
Chungheon Shin, Stanford University – SAF-MBR: net energy-producing anaerobic secondary treatment

Valley Water’s Purified Water Facility
Silicon Valley – Advanced Water Purification Center

Water Infrastructure for the 21st Century
Jennifer Pierre, General Manager, State Water Contractors – The Delta Conveyance Project: Securing California’s Water Future



CA-United Water 2023 Silicon Valley Tour: Google and Levi’s Stadium Added to Program!!!

May 22, 2023

CA-United Water 2023 Silicon Valley Tour: Google and Levi’s Stadium Added to Program!!! REGISTER TODAY!!!

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA), Urban Water Institute, Inc., Mesa Water, and Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) are excited to announce the addition of two tours to the California-United Water 2023 Silicon Valley Tour in Santa Clara, California – Google and Levi’s Stadium!!!  These private, behind-the-scenes tours are sure to impress, and round-out our innovation-focused program!

The event is scheduled to take place June 21-23, 2023, and will feature a number of panels and speakers and an exciting tour of local innovative water projects.

Showcasing (partial list):

  • Google Campus Private Tour
  • Levi’s Stadium Private Tour
  • Turlock Irrigation District’s Project Nexus
  • Silicon Valley Clean Water’s Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Valley Water’s Purified Water Facility
  • Jennifer Pierre, General Manager, State Water Contractors
  • Jim Wunderman, Chief Executive Officer, Bay Area Council

Registration is limited, so be sure to sign up today!

Tour details and registration:

Thank You, Tour Sponsors!


If you would like to sponsor the Silicon Valley Tour, we would appreciate your partnership! Please review the Sponsorship Information and Form, and if possible, agree to sponsor this event.

If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact Justin Caporusso, Executive Director, at (916) 412-0571 or via email at

We look forward to seeing you this summer!

MCWRA President Scott Ratterman Elected to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee

May 10, 2023

Justin Caporusso
Executive Director/MCWRA
(916) 412-0571



MCWRA President Scott Ratterman Elected to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee

MOUNTAIN COUNTIES, Calif. (MAY 10, 2023)
– On Monday, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) President Scott Ratterman, Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) Director, was elected to the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) Executive Committee. The election took place during the JPIA Board of Directors Meeting held in Monterey. President Ratterman has served as the CCWD representative on the JPIA since 2014.

“Our congratulations go out to President Ratterman as he steps into this statewide leadership role,” said Justin Caporusso, MCWRA Executive Director. “Statewide collaboration is one of our strategic priorities, and this role will help facilitate additional opportunities for MCWRA to provide outreach and education on the priorities of the Sierra Nevada watershed.”

The JPIA is a partnership of water agencies dedicated to avoiding the high cost of commercial insurance. Formed in 1979, JPIA is a risk-sharing pool for property, liability, workers’ compensation and employee benefits which allows for more rate stability, broader coverage, and expanded benefits and services than private insurance.

Ratterman earned his Business Administration degree from California State University, Sacramento, and immediately began working in the insurance industry. Ratterman retired from his professional career in 2019 following 37 years in the insurance industry.


Mountain Counties Water Resources Association Mission is to promote the statewide importance of Sierra Nevada water resources through advocacy and collaboration.  This Mission is realized through strengthening Members’ regional leadership, collaboration, information sharing, issue awareness, education, advocacy, and potential legislative action or legal support.


Are you registered for the California-United Water Conference 2023 Silicon Valley Tour?

May 5, 2023

California-United Water 2023 Silicon Valley Tour

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) has partnered with the Urban Water Institute, Inc., Mesa Water, and Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) to host the California-United Water 2023 Silicon Valley Tour in Santa Clara, California.

The event is scheduled to take place June 21-23, 2023, and will feature a number of panels and speakers and an exciting tour of local innovative water projects.

Showcasing (partial list):

  • Turlock Irrigation District’s Project Nexus
  • Silicon Valley Clean Water’s Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Valley Water’s Purified Water Facility
  • State Water Contractors’ Delta Conveyance Project and AVEK Program

Registration is limited, so be sure to sign up today!

Tour details and registration:

Thank You, Tour Sponsors!

If you would like to sponsor the Silicon Valley Tour, we would appreciate your partnership! Please review the Sponsorship Information and Form, and if possible, agree to sponsor this event.If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact Justin Caporusso, Executive Director, at (916) 412-0571 or via email at

We look forward to seeing you this summer!

MCWRA Board of Directors Adopts Positions on Legislative Proposals

May 1, 2023

Justin Caporusso
Executive Director/MCWRA
(916) 412-0571



Mountain Counties Water Resources Association
Board of Directors Adopts Positions on Legislative Proposals

MOUNTAIN COUNTIES, Calif. (MAY 01, 2023)
– The Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) Board of Directors has adopted official positions on a number of proposals currently making their way through California’s legislative process.  MCWRA is weighing in on proposals impacting the association’s strategic priorities, including California’s headwaters, water rights, and forest management.

“I’d like to thank the MCWRA Legislative Committee for their work in identifying the bills that most impact our members,” said Scott Ratterman, MCWRA President and Calaveras County Water District Director.  “Our mission is to promote the statewide importance of Sierra Nevada water resources through advocacy and collaboration, and we look forward to engaging in the legislative process to advance this mission.”

A synopsis of the proposals that MCWRA is actively advocating on include:

ACA-2-Water and Wildfire Resiliency Act of 2023 – SUPPORT IF AMENDED
This bill seeks to appropriate 3% of General Fund revenues each year for the purpose of supporting water infrastructure, forest health and maintenance.  MCWRA is supportive of this goal, and requests additional language be incorporated to specify that 50 percent of the water projects funding allocation be dedicated to forest wildfire suppression facilities in the wildland-urban interface (WUI).

AB 1554 – California Environmental Quality Act – SUPPORT
This bill exempts from the California Environmental Quality Act fuels reduction projects in areas with moderate, high, and very high hazard severity zones.

This bill was denied a hearing in the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources (04/26/23).

AB 1337 – State Water Board Enforcement – OPPOSE
This bill restricts water diversions through regulation and enforces the regulations through orders to divert and use water under claims of right.

AB 460 – State Water Resources: Enforcement – OPPOSE
This bill provides new authority for the State Water Resources Control Board and allows for its motion, or upon the petition of an interested party, to apply or enforce items such as the Reasonable Use and Public Trust Doctrine.  The bill would weaken the protected rights to judicial review of the Board.

SB 470 – Wildfires: Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program: Grant Eligibility: High Hazard and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones – SUPPORT
This bill includes projects that reduce the risk of wildfire for communities through water delivery system improvements within the list of projects eligible for block grants from the Department of Conservation’s Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program.  This legislation would provide much needed additional funding for wildfire defense and protection of rural communities.

SB 389 – State Water Resources Control Board:  Determination of Water Right – OPPOSE
This bill authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board to investigate the diversion and use of water from a stream system to determine whether the diversion and use are based upon appropriation, riparian right, or other basis of right.

AB 338 – Public works: Definition – OPPOSE
This bill seeks to expand the definition of “public works” to include fuel reduction work paid for in whole or in part out of public funds performed as part of a fire mitigation project.

The health of Sierra Nevada’s watersheds and water resources are of value and critical importance to all Californians.  MCWRA is committed to working to advance the following priorities on behalf of MCWRA Members:

  • Protection of Water Rights and Preservation of Regional Water Supplies
  • Increased Investment in California’s Headwaters
  • Science-Based Forest Management Plans and Actions
  • Increased Statewide Collaboration Regarding Water Resources
  • Additional Water Storage Capacity
  • Educating Target Audiences on Statewide Need of Protecting California’s Headwaters

Details on MCWRA’s legislative engagement can be accessed here.

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association Mission is to promote the statewide importance of Sierra Nevada water resources through advocacy and collaboration.  This Mission is realized through strengthening Members’ regional leadership, collaboration, information sharing, issue awareness, education, advocacy, and potential legislative action or legal support.


Register for California-United Water Conference: Silicon Valley Tour

April 8, 2023

Silicon Valley Tour
Register today!

Registration will close at 11:59 PM on June 4, 2023

Date: June 21 – 23, 2023

Location: Hilton Santa Clara

Register here:


$300/ticket for MCWRA Members

$350/ticket for Non-MCWRA Members

Lodging Information

Reserve your room at Hilton Santa Clara no later than June 10, 2023 for the exclusive room block rate here!

Rate: $269/night

Hilton Santa Clara
4949 Great America Pkwy
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Telephone: (408) 330-0001

Sponsorship Opportunity

We are currently soliciting sponsorships to support this year’s event and would appreciate your partnership! Please take a look, and if possible, agree to sponsor this event. If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact Justin Caporusso, Executive Director, at (916) 412-0571 or via email at

Click here to view the Sponsorship Information and Form.


Letter to Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry in Opposition of Assembly Bill 338 (Aguiar-Curry)

March 16, 2023
Justin Caporusso
Executive Director/MCWRA
(916) 412-0571


Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) submitted a letter in opposition of Assembly Bill 338 (Aguiar-Curry), relating to public works. AB 338 seeks to expand the definition of “public works” to include fuel reduction work paid for in whole or in part out of public funds performed as part of a fire mitigation project, including, but not limited to, residential chipping, rural road fuel breaks, fire breaks, and vegetation management.

“On behalf of the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA), we write to respectfully oppose Assembly Bill 338 relating to public works.  AB 338 seeks to expand the definition of “public works” to include fuel reduction work paid for in whole or in part out of public funds performed as part of a fire mitigation project, including, but not limited to, residential chipping, rural road fuel breaks, fire breaks, and vegetation management.  We request to be part of the working group and to be involved in the discussions as you amend this legislation to address the concerns raised in Governor Newsom’s veto message of AB 1717 (2022).  While we support the goal of bringing high-quality jobs to rural areas, we believe an alternative solution is needed.”

– Scott Ratterman, MCWRA President


Click here to review the letter.


MCWRA Tour – Sponsorship Opportunity for Silicon Valley Tour

February 20, 2023

California-United Water 2023 Silicon Valley Tour

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) has partnered with the Urban Water Institute (UWI), Mesa Water District (Mesa Water), and Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) to host the California-United Water 2023 Silicon Valley Tour. The tour is scheduled to take place June 21-23, 2023, and will feature a number of panels and speakers and an exciting tour of local innovative water projects.

We are currently soliciting sponsorships to support this year’s event, and would appreciate your partnership! Please take a look, and if possible, agree to sponsor this event. If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact Justin Caporusso, Executive Director, at (916) 412-0571 or via email at

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

Click here to view the Sponsorship Information and Form

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