Budget Update: May Revise Changes to Wildfire Funding

May 21, 2020

This Informational release provided by:  MCWRA Lobbyist Reeb Government Relations, Raquel Ayala, J.D.  raquelayala@comcast.net

Last Thursday, May 14, Governor Newsom released the State’s Budget May Revise for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The Governor began his press conference by reminiscing on the economic health the state enjoyed at the beginning of this year which had allowed him to propose a number of expansions in state services and programs in his January Budget, many of which the state will no longer be able to fund under the state’s new economic reality.
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting recession has changed the state’s fiscal landscape dramatically. Before the pandemic, California began the year with a $5.6 billion surplus and a projected $21 billion in its “rainy day” fund. Compared to the January forecast, General Fund revenues are projected to decline over $41 billion. This revenue drop, combined with increased costs in health and human services programs and the added costs to address COVID-19, has led to a projected budget deficit of approximately $54 billion before the changes proposed in the May Revision. According to the state’s budget projections, without the actions proposed in the Governor’s revised budget, the state’s out-year structural deficit would be approximately $45 billion annually.
The Governor said that while the state needs to pass a balanced budget by July 1, as required by the state’s constitution, he is looking to a multi-year strategy that includes the following solutions to tackle the state’s $54 billion deficit:
  • $8.8 billion from reserve accounts (about 16% of the solution). This includes:
    • Pulling down the rainy day reserve by $7.8 billion in FY 2020-21, $5.4 billion in FY 2021-22, and $2.9 billion dollars in FY 2022-23.
    • $900 million dollars from the Safety Net Reserve ($450 million to be used in FY 2020-21 and $450 million in FY 2021-22).
    • $524 million from the Prop 98 guarantee reserve.
  • $8.2 billion from the Federal Cares Act (about 15% of the solution)
  • Withdrawal of the vast majority of new programs proposed in January budget (about 15% of the solution)
  • Borrowing from special funds and deferral of payments (about 19% of the solution)
  • Budget Cuts (about 26% of the solution). In his press conference the Governor said these cuts will come with a caveat: Passage of the Federal New Heroes Act will automatically eliminate these cuts.
  • Revenue: Tightening up of Net Operating Losses and Tax Credits (about 8% of the solution)
A day before releasing the May Revise, Newsom spoke in front of a fire truck in El Dorado County, and said that even with a projected$54 billion deficit the state will be stepping up its efforts around wildfire prevention, holding utilities accountable, evacuating people during a fire amid the pandemic and protecting people from earthquakes. He also said that in order to invest in wildfire preparedness there will be cuts in other fire and safety agency areas.
“We’ve got to mitigate and suppress these fires as we move into wildfire season,” he said. “This is a top priority of the state Legislature and our administration.”

So how does the May Revise compare to the Governor’s January Budget Proposal on Wildfire Preparedness?

Upcoming Budget Hearings and Deadline: 
The Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 3 on Resources and Transportation is scheduled to meet this Thursday, May 21 at 10:00a.m., and the Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation is scheduled to meet on Sunday, May 24 at 10:00 amto review the Governor’s recently released May Revise.
California’s constitutional deadline to pass a balanced budget is June 15. The state is also constitutionally prohibited from issuing long-term bonds to finance deficits.

2020-2021 Forest Management proposed funding levels

May 14, 2020

In a letter to the Honorable Senator Mitchell and Assemblymember Ting, MCWRA wrote to express support for the funding levels proposed by Governor Newsom in its January Budget proposal for Wildfire Prevention efforts in the state. The State Budget proposed in January included:

  • $120 million General Fund ($150 million ongoing) and 677 positions, phased in over five years, to provide the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire) operational flexibility through peak fire season and beyond based on fire conditions.
  • $110.1 million ($26.8 General Fund) to implement the Wildfire Mitigation Financial Assistance Program, which encourages structural hardening (residential, commercial, and public buildings) and facilitates vegetation management and defensible space activities.
  • $9 million ($8.8 million General Fund) and 22 positions across Cal OES, CalFire, the Military Department, and the Public Utilities Commission to begin implementation of the Wildfire Forecast Center, which will derive information from multiple sources to build accurate, comprehensive, and timely weather impact information for the purpose of improving the state’s emergency response and recovery efforts.

Click link for more:2020-2021 Budget – Forest Management

CCWD Awarded $2.1 Million FEMA Grant to Replace Five Redwood Tanks Vulnerable to Wildfire

May 13, 2020

The Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) was notified Tuesday April 28 that it had been awarded a $2.1 million grant to replace five, aging redwood water storage tanks with steel, ignition-resistant tanks along the upper Highway 4 Corridor. The grant was awarded to CCWD by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and it will cover 75% of the total $2.8 million project cost. The tanks that will be replaced are in Forest Meadows, Arnold and Dorrington. Expanded defensible space will be cleared around the new tanks to further protect them against wildfires. Planning and design for the project is expected to be complete by 2020, and construction is anticipated to begin in 2021.

Click here for more: CCWD Awarded $2.1 Million FEMA Grant

Release of Draft Recommended Funding List for Proposition 1 Implementation Grants for Public Comment (Mountain Counties)

May 13, 2020

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) released on April 24, 2020 the Draft Recommended Funding List for the Mountain Counties funding area for the Proposition 1 Round 1 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation Grant Solicitation. Approximately $4.5 million in grant funding is being made available for implementation projects with approximately $1.8 million being made available for projects that provide direct benefits to Disadvantaged Communities.

Read more:https://water.ca.gov/News/Public-Notices/2020/April-2020/Draft-Funding-Awards-List-Mountain-Counties

French Meadows Forest Restoration Project First year (2019) Operations Summary Report

May 11, 2020

The one-of-a-kind French Meadows partnership restored forest health to 1,066 acres of critical headwaters in the first year of the French Meadows Forest Restoration Project implementation,
reducing stand density by over 30% and harvesting over 3 million board feet of timber and 4,200 green tons of biomass. Thus, resulting in net greenhouse gas savings of 46,848 metric tons of
CO2, and nearly 1,000 tons of various emissions were reduced due to bio energy creation while generating of over 2,500 MWh of renewable electricity, meeting annual electricity needs of 330
households. In addition, using adaptive management strategies, an alteration of several acres of treatment prevented the loss of unique wet meadow habitat, which can now be restored.

Click the link for the report:FMP Restoration Project Year 1 Final Report

Keystone XL Ruling Has ‘Sweeping’ Impacts for Other Projects

April 20, 2020

A federal court’s decision striking down a critical Keystone XL permit has broad implications beyond the embattled oil pipeline.

The Wednesday ruling from the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana tossed a nationwide permit the Army Corps of Engineers uses to approve water crossings for projects all over the country, concluding the agency hadn’t properly considered impacts on endangered species.

“This is a sweeping ruling,” said Larry Liebesman, a former Justice Department environmental lawyer now at the water resources consulting firm Dawson & Associates. “This judge used his authority to enjoin it nationwide.”

That means the Army Corps, for now, won’t be able to greenlight other projects under the streamlined permitting process it typically uses for pipelines, Liebesman said.

For more information, click here

This information provided by Associate Member:

John Spranza, MS, CCN, Senior Ecologist / Regulatory Specialist


2379 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95833
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Member Job Postings

April 20, 2020

Seeking candidates for the position:

Hydro Operations Supervisor

For more information on the position, click this link: https://mountaincountieswater.com/our-membership/job-opportunities/

General Manager

For more information on the positions, click this link:https://mountaincountieswater.com/our-membership/job-opportunities/

AWWA Webinar- Utility Actions to Sustain Operations during COVID-19

March 19, 2020

 American Water Works Association (AWWA)

AWWA will host a FREEwebinar this Friday, March 20th titled UTILITY ACTIONS TO SUSTAIN OPERATIONS DURING COVID-19. 

Friday, March 20, 2020 @ 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM (Pacific Daylight Time) 

Note: Webinar is Friday, March 20, 2020 @ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Mountain Daylight Time Venue-Online-Denver, CO

This webinar is designed to share practices that utilities have implemented to prepare and respond to COVID-19. This includes a discussion of workforce issues, facility access and supply chain conditions. In addition, a summary of state primacy agency actions with be provided. Templates that a utility might use to support pandemic planning efforts will also be shared.

Current presenters include:

  1. Sandy A. Smith, DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management, and Joey Witcher, Sinclair Water Authority, will discuss the GAWARN standard operating procedures on sustaining operations during a pandemic. A Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN) is a network of utilities helping other utilities to respond to and recover from emergencies.
  2. Alan Roberson, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, will provide a summary overview of state actions to support utility operations, including adjustments to sampling/monitoring and operator certifications.
  3. Dawn Ison, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Water Security Division, will address action items they have developed to support utilities.
  4. Ray Riordan, City of San Jose’s director of emergency services and chair of CalWARN, on collaboration with emergency management.
  5. Kevin Morley, AWWA’s federal relations manager, will moderate the discussion.

Among the topics scheduled to be discussed are absenteeism, succession planning, facility access during containment/quarantine, supply chain – treatment chemicals, and building shutdowns/low flow — guidance on post COVID-19 flushing and return to service for shutoffs. Register Now

More information and link to the webinar here

Tuolumne Utilities District and Pacific Gas & Electric Announce Potential Water System Transfer

March 10, 2020

The Tuolumne Utilities District (TUD) and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) have entered into exclusive negotiations regarding a transfer of assets of the Phoenix Hydroelectric Project from PG&E to TUD ownership. Under the proposed agreement, TUD would acquire the Phoenix Powerhouse, the Main Tuolumne Canal, the pre- and post-1914 water rights, the Lyons Dam and Reservoir, and Strawberry Dam and the Pinecrest Reservoir.

Click for News Release: TUD and PGE Annoucement

Lyons Dam


PCWA Secures Permanent Water Contract with U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

March 8, 2020

AUBURN, Calif. (March 3, 2020) — Against the backdrop of Folsom Dam, Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) executed a landmark water contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) at a signing ceremony on February 28. The new contract, which annually allocates up to 35,000 acre-feet of Central Valley Project (CVP) water to PCWA, runs in perpetuity.

The new contract replaces an original signed by both parties in 1970. That contract expired in 2011, and since then, PCWA has been operating on two-year renewal contracts.

“The signing of this contract ends nearly a decade of uncertainty and accumulating costs to our customers,” said PCWA Board Chairman Robert Dugan, who represented PCWA at the signing. “Our signature today ensures that this piece of our water portfolio is protected in perpetuity. Today is a historic day for our customers, staff, and the PCWA Board; I want to thank Bureau of Reclamation staff for making the process smooth and transparent.”

PCWA’s new contract was made possible by enactment of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act, which Congress passed in 2016. The WIIN Act directs the USBR to convert water service contracts to repayment contracts upon the request of a contractor, assuming outstanding CVP construction costs are fully repaid by the contractor within three years. PCWA has no outstanding debt with the USBR, thereby meeting all its obligations.

“This CVP contract water is essential to the future prosperity of Placer County,” General Manager Andy Fecko said. “It was one of the three critical processes that secure long-term water supply reliability for our customers, along with the relicensing of our Middle Fork American River Project and the extension of our Middle Fork water rights. We are thrilled to have secured this contract.”

In addition to the new CVP contract, PCWA’s water supply includes up to 120,000 acre-feet off the Middle Fork American River, the ability to store up to 340,000 acre-feet in its reservoirs, and a long-term contract with Pacific Gas & Electric to use over 125,000 acre-feet from the Yuba River.

Click here for news release: PCWA Secures Permanent Water Contract

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