French Meadows Forest Restoration Project First year (2019) Operations Summary Report

May 11, 2020

The one-of-a-kind French Meadows partnership restored forest health to 1,066 acres of critical headwaters in the first year of the French Meadows Forest Restoration Project implementation,
reducing stand density by over 30% and harvesting over 3 million board feet of timber and 4,200 green tons of biomass. Thus, resulting in net greenhouse gas savings of 46,848 metric tons of
CO2, and nearly 1,000 tons of various emissions were reduced due to bio energy creation while generating of over 2,500 MWh of renewable electricity, meeting annual electricity needs of 330
households. In addition, using adaptive management strategies, an alteration of several acres of treatment prevented the loss of unique wet meadow habitat, which can now be restored.

Click the link for the report:FMP Restoration Project Year 1 Final Report

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