OPINION – State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Plan for Minimum Flows in the Rivers Entering the Delta

March 27, 2018

Photo credit: Mountain Democrat

By:  Dale Coco MD,  El Dorado Irrigation District Board Member, El Dorado Water Agency Board Member

California Legislators,

 Speaking on behalf of myself as a Member of the El Dorado Irrigation District’s Board of Directors, and not on behalf of the Board or District itself, the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) plan for minimum flows in the rivers entering the Delta is based on faulty science, driven by special interest groups and water power brokers, and will reduce availability and increase the cost of water for residential use.

 The people of Northern California demand and deserve a review study of the plan by the biological sciences department of one of our top universities. The SWRCB has ignored other legitimate studies of the Delta in formulating its plan. They are aware their plan is not based on hard science, but are persisting in order to relieve political pressure.

 This plan will force the majority of the residents of Northern California to sacrifice in order to appease small vocal minorities and water barons. It is time the legislators of California serve those who elected them, not those who financed their elections. I call on the legislators of California to support an independent review study of the SWRCB plan for flows into the Delta.

 The premise that increasing the flows into the Delta will solve the Delta’s problems is not founded on evidence-based science; outcome-based science, or controlled studies. In fact, just the opposite has been shown by outcome-based studies. The flows into the Delta have been increased for years and the problems have increased, not decreased.

 Non-native plants have invaded the Delta and taken away the breeding and nesting grounds of the small fish. Non-native predatory fish have been introduced that feed on the small fish and salmon. Increased flows will promote these non-native species. This is common knowledge, but the SWRCB continues to ignore this information in formulating their plan for the Delta.

 The salmon don’t need year round minimum flows to facilitate their runs. They need increased flows at certain times of the year and certain temperatures to induce their runs. This is also common knowledge that has also been ignored by The SWRCB.

 Salt water incursion can be measured and monitored, and then flows can be altered to counter the effects without wasting water by using constant flows. The SWRCB is instituting measures that will send water out the Golden Gate while at the same time pushing for conservation.

 The people of Northern California demand the legislators counter this politically driven science and replace it with the results of a legitimate, independent review study.

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