Funding Opportunities: Wildfire Mitigation~ WaterSMART Grants~ Forestry Funding

January 15, 2018

Cal OES grant program has opportunities for California wildfire mitigation projects

The Cal OES Hazard Mitigation Grant Program has funding available for projects related to last October’s wildfires in California. To be eligible for the funding, a notice of interest (NOI) must be submitted by Tuesday, Jan. 30. The NOI form and instructions are available on the program’s website.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has announced two funding opportunities through its WaterSMART program

The first would fund projects that increase water management flexibility and improve the resiliency of water resources. The other would provide up to $200,000 for efforts to develop a drought contingency plan.

Forestry grants made available through two CAL FIRE programs

CAL FIRE has started a new round of grant program funding.  The Forest Health Grant Program will accept concept proposals through Feb. 21 for projects that help reduce greenhouse gases and protect watersheds. And, the Urban and Community Forestry Program will accept proposals through Feb. 26. It works to mimic forest conditions in neighborhoods.


For more information on these funding opportunities, click the Department of Water Resources (DWR) website link: 

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