SWRCB Urban Water Conservation Workshop – MCWRA Comment Letter

December 2, 2015

The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has indicated that an extension of the Emergency Regulation to conserve urban water supplies in 2016 may be needed depending on the amount of precipitation (both rainfall and snow accumulation) that the State receives during the upcoming winter months.  The SWRCB will be holding a workshop next Monday, December 7, to solicit the types of changes (if any) to the emergency conservation regulatory framework.

The SWRCB is interested in receiving public comment on the following questions:

  1. What elements of the existing Emergency Regulation, if any, should be modified in an extended Emergency Regulation?
  2. What additional data, if any, should the State Water Board be collecting through the Emergency Regulation and how should it be used?
  3. How should the State Water Board account for precipitation after January 2016 in its implementation of any extension of the Emergency Regulation?

John Kingsbury…. In order to establish a fair statewide regulation, R-GPCD should include several variable factors specific to each water purveyor including population density, population growth, east slope-west slope, temperature, rainfall, evaporation rates, topography and socio-economic measures, such as lot size and income, land use, and past conservation efforts…..

…Further, the SWRCB is by authority and mandate focused on the reducing water demand side of the equation affecting people, agriculture, habitat, and the environment.  The SWRCB is encouraged and supported to concurrently seek implementation of projects to increase water supply across the state and address the multiple drivers that affect fish in the Delta to help mitigate the demand on California’s stressed water delivery system for people, the Delta and its watershed….

MCWRA Comment Letter to the SWRCB:  Jeanie Townsend Dec 2 2015

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