The Importance of Upper Watershed Management to California’s Water Supply

August 27, 2014

At their August meeting, the California Water Commission held a panel discussion on the Upper Watershed Management Effects on Water Supply and the Water-Forest Management Nexus.  Joseph Byrne, Chair, referenced the May 21 MCWRA /Water Commission workshop and said that this is “a subject that the Commission is particularly interested in. We had a great […]

Nevada Irriation District Begins Planning for a New Reservoir

August 26, 2014

By Rem Scherzinger, General Manager The NID Board of Directors on Wednesday (Aug. 13) took a historic step into the water future of Nevada and Placer counties. The board authorized staff to file an application for the annual appropriation of 221,400 acre-feet of water from the Bear River. The district’s application was filed later that day […]

Water Bond Signed by Governor Brown

August 14, 2014

Last night, the Legislature reached agreement on a water bond, which was promptly signed by the Governor. This bill would enact the “Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014”, which, if approved by the voters, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $7,120,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond […]

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