Water Bond Signed by Governor Brown

August 14, 2014

Last night, the Legislature reached agreement on a water bond, which was promptly signed by the Governor.

This bill would enact the “Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014”, which, if approved by the voters, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $7,120,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a water quality, supply, and infrastructure improvement program. This bill, upon voter approval, would reallocate $425,000,000 of the unissued bonds authorized for the purposes of Propositions 1E, 13, 44, 50, 84, and 204 to finance the purposes of a water quality, supply, and infrastructure improvement program.

Total : $7.545 Billion Dollars

Assembly members voted 77-2 in favor of the measure

Senate members voted 37-0 in favor of the measure


Specific allocations of interest: 

$13 million for the Mountain Counties Overlay.

$25 million for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy

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