Registration for Water Conveyance Workshops Now Open

January 4, 2021

The California Water Commission will be holding workshops on water conveyance. The Commission will be conducting a series of regional public workshops as part of their effort to assess a potential state role in financing conveyance projects that could help meet needs in a changing climate.  Registration is now open:

Workshop Schedule

All workshops are from 2:30-5 p.m.

More information is in the attached flyer and on their Programs and Topics page, which has the agenda and workbook for the workshops.  The Commission encourages broad participation, with the goal of learning from diverse voices across the state.

Flyer:  CaliforniaWaterCommission_Water Conveyance Workshop

Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) Webinar Schedule – Multiple Training Webinars

November 24, 2020

Starting in December, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) will host a set of special topic training webinars. The training webinars will be hosted live and also recorded and posted to the DWR YouTube page for public access. During the training webinars, DWR will review planning tools, provide examples, and address participant questions. At this time, five webinars have been scheduled:


James Campagna

Yuba Water Agency sues California water board

November 20, 2020

MARYSVILLE, Calif. (Nov. 13, 2020) – Yuba Water Agency filed lawsuits in both federal and state court today to challenge the water quality certification that California’s State Water Resources Control Board issued in July for Yuba Water’s new license for its hydroelectric project, the Yuba River Development Project.

“This is not something we wanted to do,” said Yuba Water General Manager Willie Whittlesey. “We tried every diplomatic option available to us. But the State Water Board’s actions pose a significant threat to Yuba Water’s long-term viability and would prevent us from being the catalyst for public safety, economic growth and prosperity that this disadvantaged community so desperately needs. This is us defending ourselves against a significant and unfair overreach.”

Click link for News Release:Yuba Water Agency Lawsuit 112020

Amador Water Agency hires general manager

August 20, 2020

AWA Directors hire Larry McKenney as new general manager

(Sutter Creek) Amador Water Agency Directors approved an employment agreement with Larry B. McKenney as the Agency’s new permanent general manager.

McKenney is currently a director on the Board of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, representing Orange County’s Municipal Water District, and brings a wide range of experience in the water and wastewater industry to AWA.

McKenney is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and the University of Texas School of Law, and served as an artillery officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. His career in water issues began as an attorney for the U.S. Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton in the early 1990s, followed by public and private sector experience in management, legal, regulatory, advocacy, and environmental responsibilities at several Southern California water resources entities. McKenney has worked to address statewide water issues for the last decade on the board of the Association of California Water Agencies.

“I’m honored to be selected to take the lead on providing water and wastewater services for Amador County. This is an exciting opportunity for me professionally and I’m looking forward to getting to know a new community and the people of the Amador Water Agency.”

“Larry has outstanding leadership experience in water and wastewater, and has deep knowledge of the major water issues facing California,” said AWA Board President Rich Farrington. “We are very pleased to welcome Larry to our team and look forward to his contributions.”

McKenney is a history buff and is eager to explore Amador County’s Gold Rush past. He and his wife, Connie, have 7-year old twins and are house-hunting in the area. McKenney’s first official day at AWA will be August 20.

McKenney is replacing Interim General Manager John Kingsbury, who has directed the Agency since December 2019, and led the executive search for a new general manager. AWA Directors thanked Kingsbury for his service and wished him well as he continues in his role as Executive Director of Mountain Counties Water Resources Association.

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Lucy Hackett


Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) reaches historic milestone

July 25, 2020



First-Ever Net Revenue Distribution Approved by Middle Fork Project Finance Authority Board

 AUBURN, Calif. (July 23, 2020) — In 1961, Placer County voters overwhelmingly approved the sale of bonds to finance the construction of the Middle Fork American River Hydroelectric Project (MFP). Nearly 60 years later, with the MFP bonds fully paid and financial reserves fully funded, the first-ever distribution of net revenue from the MFP has been made by Middle Fork Project Finance Authority Board (Authority) to the County of Placer and Placer County Water Agency (PCWA). News of the distribution was shared with the PCWA Board of Directors at its meeting last week.

Joe Parker, PCWA

“This is a historic milestone,” stated Joe Parker, Treasurer of the Authority and Director of Finance for PCWA. “When the MFP was conceived of over half a century ago, the benefits were intended for the people of Placer County. Thus, this distribution of net revenue is the realization of the vision Placer County leaders had long ago.”

For the first 50 years of the MFP’s operations, the hydroelectric project was managed through an agreement with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), in which PG&E controlled power generation, but paid all of the operating costs and paid off the construction debt. When that agreement ended in 2013, PCWA took over the economic decisions about when to generate, with money from energy sales going towards operational costs and funding reserves.

More: News Release-MIddle Fork American River Hydroeletric Project Reaches Historic Milestone

PCWA Ralston Afterbay on Middle Fork American River

Department of Conservation SGMA Watershed Coordinator Grant Program Workshops Announced

July 22, 2020


The Department of Conservation will host two workshops to answer potential applicants’ questions about the SGMA Watershed Coordinator Program application. Both workshops are open to all interested applicants and will cover the same content. Please RSVP to to register.

Application Workshop – August 6, 2020

When: 2:30 – 3:30pm

Where: Microsoft Teams (please RSVP for link)

Application Workshop – August 11, 2020

When: 1:00 – 2:00pm

Where: Microsoft Teams (please RSVP for link)

Information about the program can be found at

The solicitation and application can be found at

Please contact Department of Conservation watershed program staff with questions or comments via email at​​​or phone at (916) 324-0850.


CCWD Hires Experienced Engineer to Fill Manager of Water Resources Position

July 5, 2020

July 2, 2020 – For immediate release

The Calaveras County Water District is pleased to announce Brad Arnold has been hired as the District’s Water Resources Manager. His first day on the job was Monday June 15. Arnold graduated from the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and minor in Business Management. He
went on to earn two master’s degrees, both from the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). His first was in Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering and second in Civil &
Environmental Engineering (Water Resources emphasis), the latter while working with the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences.

Click link for more200702 CCWD Release MoWR

PCWA approves consolidation with Dutch Flat Mutual Water Company

May 30, 2020

AUBURN, Calif. (May 28, 2020) — The Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors approved an agreement allowing  the Dutch Flat Mutual Water Company (Dutch Flat Mutual) to consolidate with PCWA at its meeting on May 21. The agreement allows for the extension of PCWA’s distribution system into the Dutch Flat community, effectively connecting current Dutch Flat customers to PCWA’s Alta Water System. It also paves the way for PCWA to access grant funding to implement the consolidation.

The consolidation process began in 2016 when the Dutch Flat Mutual Board of Directors voted to pursue connecting to PCWA. In 2018, through the joint efforts of the two agencies, PCWA was able to secure $480,000 from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to pay for the design of the project. One year later, in March 2019, the agencies submitted an application to the SWRCB to fund construction of the project. The anticipated construction cost is just over $4.5 million, of which $4.3 million could be covered by a SWRCB grant. The cost includes over $300,000 PCWA is setting aside for construction contingencies.

“We are grateful for PCWA’s collaboration on this important project,” said Dutch Flat Mutual Board President David Mintline. “Consolidating with PCWA will provide the community with a reliable water supply for the future and allow us to benefit from economies of scale.”

Upon completion of the project, PCWA will supply water to 106 new customers, serving each parcel individually. It will also take ownership of the new distribution system, an 180,000 gallon storage tank, the property the tank resides on, and all new infrastructure built to serve the Dutch Flat community; connection to PCWA’s Alta system will allow Dutch Flat Mutual’s water treatment plant to be decommissioned.

PCWA General Manager Andy Fecko said, “The Dutch Flat Mutual Consolidation Project fits in perfectly with PCWA’s stewardship responsibilities. Ensuring reliable water service to rural communities, like Dutch Flat, is a priority for our Board of Directors, and an important component of PCWA’s Countywide Master Plan.”





Click Link for News Release:PCWA_Approves_Consolidation_with_Dutch_Flat_Mutual_Water_Company

Landscape Area Measurement Project: Quarterly Meeting Reminder

May 27, 2020


Residential Landscape Area Measurement Project

Technical Work Group Quarterly Meeting

June 3, 2020

The Department of Water Resources Water Use Efficiency Branch will hold the 2nd quarterly Technical Work Group meeting on June 3, 2020 from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. The meeting will be an on-line webinar. The agenda is attached to this email.

Please register for Landscape Area Measurement Project – Quarterly Meeting on Jun 3, 2020 9:00 AM PDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar®
Webinars Made Easy®

At the meeting DWR and the Residential Landscape Area Measurement Team will:

  • Provide a general update on the overall project progress.
  • Present and discuss results from pilot project water district study areas.

If you are no longer interested in receiving notifications for DWR’s Water Use Studies meetings and wish to be removed from the Water Conservation List Serv, please contact

James Campagna, Office Assistant

Water Use and Efficiency Branch , California Dept. of Water Resources

(916) 651-9671

Water Management Investments in the North State to Improve the Environment in Northern CA

May 21, 2020

Water Management Investments
in the North State to Improve the Environment in Northern California

Water suppliers in the rural and urban parts of the Sacramento River Basin are unified through the North State Water Alliance (Alliance) to make Water Management Investments to Improve the Environment in Northern California for future generations.

The Alliance is working together to advance natural infrastructure in every part of the system—healthy headwaters, reactivated floodplains, and expanded utilization of groundwater storage—and 21st century investments like Sites Reservoir to enhance climate resiliency throughout the Sacramento River Basin and prepare the region for floods, fires and drought. This new way forward in water management will help adapt our region for a changing climate, allow us to continue to serve water for multiple benefits in an effective and efficient manner, advance the economy, environment and quality of life in Northern California, and contribute to more sustainable and reliable water supply solutions in other parts of the state.

Water suppliers on the American, Feather, Yuba and Sacramento Rivers, as well as other smaller rivers and creeks, are working closely with federal and state agencies, as well as conservation organizations and community partners, to continually improve their operations and serve water for multiple benefits, including water for cities and rural communities, farms, wildlife, and recreation. Reliable and safe water supplies for these uses are vital for strong businesses, a healthy environment, a ready workforce, and vibrant communities. Investments in the natural and 21st Century infrastructure described in this document are essential for the future of this region.

For further information on the North State Water Alliance, please contact:

Mountain Counties Water Association: John Kingsbury
Regional Water Authority: Jim Peifer
Northern California Water Association: David Guy

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