MCWRA Program – Innovative Water Technologies for California

September 1, 2014

To:  California legislators and staff, state agencies, regional and local elected officials and staff, water purveyors and land use decision makers

You are invited to a one-day, fast, friendly and free introduction to the latest and greatest technologies in water management.  Now is the time!


 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014         8:45 a.m. – 3 p.m.            

LAKE NATOMA INN  702 Gold Lake Drive, Folsom CA 95630 (916) 351-1500

  • Re-imagining ground water management
  • Conjunctive water use options – and water saving opportunities
  • Hydropower generation opportunities
  • Water banking – There is a market for it
  • New best friends – Regional water management
  • A fresh look at water user-environmental frictions
  • Controlling sediment in mountain recreation areas
  • Geology of ground water and aquifer management
  • Increasing water yield with regional water storage possibilities
  • Seismic dam safety and risk assessment
  • A watershed approach to fish passage feasibility

Program Announcement

Program Agenda

          RSVP TODAY:

The Importance of Upper Watershed Management to California’s Water Supply

August 27, 2014

At their August meeting, the California Water Commission held a panel discussion on the Upper Watershed Management Effects on Water Supply and the Water-Forest Management Nexus.  Joseph Byrne, Chair, referenced the May 21 MCWRA /Water Commission workshop and said that this is “a subject that the Commission is particularly interested in. We had a great workshop with small and medium sized systems in Auburn and had some very interesting information.”

2014 May 21 Water Commission Workshop (9)

May 21 Workshop in Auburn

At the day-long workshop referenced by Commissioner Byrne, the Commission heard from 14 speakers from across the mountain counties area.  (for the May 21 Workshop story, click here)

I am very grateful to Sue Sims and her staff  for their help in coordinating this important workshop for the Water Commission, MCWRA members, and our regional partners, said John Kingsbury, MCWRA executive director.   It gave us the opportunity to discuss the challenges, programs, collaboration and opportunities from members and partners that are balancing a limited water supply to meet the needs of this region and of the State.

Upper Watershed Management Effects on Water Supply and the Water-Forest Management Nexus

As the Commission heard at the May workshop in Auburn, with much of the state’s water supply originating in the mountains as precipitation on the forested landscape, the health and management of the upper watersheds are critically important to California’s water quality and water supply.

At the August meeting of the California Water Commission, George Gentry with the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, and Dr. Martha Conklin and Dr. Roger Bales from UC Merced discussed the relationships between forests and water.

For the story, click here for the link to Maven’s Notebook 

Nevada Irriation District Begins Planning for a New Reservoir

August 26, 2014

By Rem Scherzinger, General Manager

The NID Board of Directors on Wednesday (Aug. 13) took a historic step into the water future of Nevada and Placer counties.

The board authorized staff to file an application for the annual appropriation of 221,400 acre-feet of water from the Bear River. The district’s application was filed later that day with the State Water Resources Control Board along with the payment of $488,459 in filing fees.

This is the first of many steps that are foreseen in coming years as part of the planning, financing and construction of a new 110,000 acre-foot reservoir on the Bear River between our existing Rollins and Combie reservoirs.

This is locally known as the Parker Reservoir would extend upriver from just above Combie Reservoir for six miles to a point west of Colfax. Hydroelectric energy production and public recreational opportunities are expected to be part of the project.

The Parker Reservoir site has been part of NID’s water portfolio since the early 1920s when district founders were planning the NID water system. In 1926, the district’s chief engineer, Fred H. Tibbetts, in what is now referred to as the Tibbetts Report, documented the positive attributes of a Parker reservoir. Tibbetts found the Parker site to be superior to Rollins, Dog Bar and Combie, which were also part of a Bear River reconnaissance project.

NID holds senior pre-1914 water rights to the Bear River and has over time acquired additional post-1914 water rights. In its formative years, NID acquired several hundred acres of land along the river. NID owns more than 1,200 acres within the Parker Reservoir project area, which also extends to some adjacent lands.

Parker Reservoir would directly benefit the southern portions of NID, including the district’s Placer County service areas. Upstream areas in Nevada County will also benefit as the district would be able to route more water from the mountains down the Yuba River/Deer Creek watershed and less down the Bear River side.

Today’s drought certainly raises awareness of the importance of water storage but our planning goes much further. It is clear that climate change is bringing uncertainty to our state’s water supplies. The NID water system is over-reliant on the “water bank” that lies in the annual mountain snowpack. We must develop lower elevation storage that can capture runoff from rain storms as well as snow storms.

This water resource development will be a cornerstone achievement in NID’s 93-year history. The district was formed in 1921 and was expanded significantly 50 years ago with the 1963-66 development of the Yuba-Bear Power Project. Parker Reservoir would increase water storage available to district residents from 280,000 to 390,000 acre-feet, helping to ensure a stable water supply for district customers for generations to come.

It is estimated that planning and building Parker Reservoir would cost approximately $160 million. NID would use revenues from hydroelectric energy production (these funds were used to pay the initial filing fees), potential funding through state water bonds and other sources, and probably a local bond issue. A half-century ago, NID voters overwhelmingly approved a local bond issue to fund the Yuba-Bear Project. Those bonds have been repaid and district residents today enjoy a much stronger and reliable water system, along with significant annual revenues from power production.

It is our hope that we will receive the same strong community support as we move forward in this important effort. The preservation and use our valuable “area of origin” water resources here at home is in the very best interests of NID customers and taxpayers.

Nevada Irrigation District website

Water Bond Signed by Governor Brown

August 14, 2014

Last night, the Legislature reached agreement on a water bond, which was promptly signed by the Governor.

This bill would enact the “Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014”, which, if approved by the voters, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $7,120,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a water quality, supply, and infrastructure improvement program. This bill, upon voter approval, would reallocate $425,000,000 of the unissued bonds authorized for the purposes of Propositions 1E, 13, 44, 50, 84, and 204 to finance the purposes of a water quality, supply, and infrastructure improvement program.

Total : $7.545 Billion Dollars

Assembly members voted 77-2 in favor of the measure

Senate members voted 37-0 in favor of the measure


Specific allocations of interest: 

$13 million for the Mountain Counties Overlay.

$25 million for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy

The Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) and its Impacts on Regional Sustainability in the North State

July 29, 2014

On July 28, 2014, the North State Water Alliance (NSWA) founding partners submitted comments to John Laird the Secretary for Natural; Resources of the California Natural Resources Agency on the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP).

Click here for the link to the two-page letter and detailed comments: NSWA-BDCP-Submittal-July 2014

The mission of the NSWA is to promote responsible statewide water solutions that protect the economy, environment and quality of life for the north state and for all Californians.  The NSWA is committed to working with our regional partners to find comprehensive statewide water solutions in California that include:

  1. Water rights and supply assurances
  2.  Increased investment in regional storage and infrastructure
  3.  Water conservation as a way of life
  4.  An operational plan for the state’s water systems to fulfill obligations to the north state


MCWRA Executive Members El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) and Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) also submit comments on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan.

Click the link for the EID BDCP Comment letter:  El Dorado Irrigation District BDCP Comment Letter

Click the link for the PCWA News Release:  Placer County Water Agency BDCP News Release





Protecting watersheds first step in water policy

July 13, 2014

is the title of the OP-ED from John Kingsbury, MCWRA executive director.  The State’s focus on the Delta crisis and the twin tunnels has been temporarily overshadowed by the drought. Three years of dry weather conditions, continued population growth, regulatory policies, and the lack of new water supplies has created a perfect storm.  The water districts and agencies in Mountain Counties have aggressively implemented conservation measures to ensure a reliable water supply for their ratepayers, while the Administration and Legislature struggle with finding a bi-partisan water bond with long-term solutions.   If the State is going to solve the water crisis, it must look to the headwaters as “Protecting watersheds first step in water policy”.

Link to Maven’s Notebook and the full OP-ED :

Trio of state water leaders centerpiece of Mountain Counties event

July 8, 2014

By Roberta Long

MCWRA writer

Pictures from the Gallery

Three of California’s top water decision-makers came to Placerville on June 6 for a joint presentation by Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (Mountain Counties) and the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Region 3. The program, “California’s Water Leaders,” was held at the Wedgewood Sequoia Mansion, and included a talk-show style conversation with the featured speakers: Mark Cowin, State Department of Water Resources director; Felicia Marcus, State Water Resources Control board chair; and Randy Fiorini, Delta Stewardship Council chair. Tom Philp, executive strategist for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, was moderator.

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (25)Mark Cowin-State Department of Water Resources

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is responsible for managing and protecting California’s water, including operating the California State Water Project. DWR forecasts future water needs, inventories and evaluates existing water supplies, explores conservation and storage options, and supervises flood options, including emergency response to floods. It also administers more than $5 billion in bond funding for flood protection and ecosystem restoration.

Cowin, a civil engineer, has worked at DWR since 1981. He became director when Gov. Brown appointed him in 2010.

He focused his remarks on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP). The proposed BDCP is a 50-year plan under the California Natural Resources Agency. A major component of the BDCP is upgrading the part of the State Water Project and related system improvements that are in the Delta. DWR has ultimate authority and responsibility to manage the design and construction of any new water facilities.

The other major component is a dual comprehensive ecosystem modification plan. Under state law, a Natural Community Conservation Plan will be under the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The federal counterpart, a Habitat Conservation Plan, will be under joint authority of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service.

In general, the water agencies that contract for water from the state and federal projects are expected to pay for the costs of conveyance, and the cost of habitat restoration will be paid statewide.

The plan and its accompanying Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement are in the public comment stage, which will end July 29.

Cowin made an appeal to judge the plan for what it is. It is intended to protect endangered species in the Delta under the Endangered Species Act and stabilize deliveries. He said: If we don’t do anything and the fish populations continue to decline, we will have increasing regulations, continuing litigation and more stressors. Let’s get past the circular arguments.

He said that the BDCP provides innovative and efficient features. Elements of the plan change how water flows through the Delta. We will be able to reverse the reverse flows in the south that suck the fish into the pumps. New intakes in the north Delta will have state-of-the-art fish screens. It does involve tunnels. The amount of water exported will be tied to the populations of fish, he said.

Cowin said the BDCP will have a positive effect on the economic stability of the state. He pointed out the plan does not give a free pass to exporters. A 50-year permit does not trump the Endangered Species Act or water rights.

Especially in the Central Valley, groundwater is pumped to supplement surface water. In normal years, groundwater supplies about one-third of the total. In drought years, it averages 60 percent. “This is not sustainable,” he said. “We are not trying to stop people from using groundwater. We want to provide sustainable management by empowering local agencies to develop the tools, resources and standards with the State Water Resources Control Board as backstop.” Government needs to make an investment. We all need to put our shoulders into a combined effort, he said.

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (27)Felicia Marcus-State Water Resources Control Board

The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) was created by the Legislature in 1967 with authority to allocate the waters of the state to achieve the optimum balance of beneficial uses and ensure the highest quality.

Chair Felicia Marcus, a lawyer, was appointed to the SWRCB by Gov. Jerry Brown in May 2012. At the time, she was serving on the Delta Stewardship Council, where Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed her in July 2010. Her previous career stages include: Los Angeles Board of Public Works commissioner, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9 administrator, and western director for the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Marcus said there is a paradigm shift in water management: “It is more intelligent and integrated.” She gave as an example the Integrated Water Resources Management Program, in which water agencies coordinate planning and management of projects. She said she believes in the wisdom of locals, and that more money needs to be invested in the upper watersheds.

She said that the state and federal agencies have their place. Her job on the SWRCB is to balance all beneficiaries. “No one gets it all,” she said. We can’t continue with the rhetoric– “Is so. Is not. You’re a jerk. No, I’m not.” She said she respects action, getting things done.

We are experiencing less snowmelt and more flooding. Storage is not a “yes or no” issue. All types of storage need to be considered, and water rights need to be respected.

Marcus said the SWRCB is a water rights hearing board. The board has had to impose emergency curtailments on holders of junior water rights. A curtailment is an order to stop diverting water. She said it is a harsh system, but it is essential for public health and safety. Under the California Constitution, holders of water rights do not own the water. Their rights are usufructuary, or the right to use it. Holders of senior water rights have to use their water beneficially and not waste it, or they will lose their rights.

She would like to see voluntary compliance with the curtailments. Enforcements are unwieldy and time-intensive. But there will be some increased enforcement. “Otherwise, the board is just a paper tiger,” she said.

Marcus cited three approaches to augmenting water supply in the state: recycling, conservation and stormwater. She said southern California has a “great opportunity” to increase local water supplies by re-using stormwater, and decrease reliance on imported water.

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (31)Randy Fiorini-Delta Stewardship Council

The Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) is an independent state agency. It was created by the Legislature in 2009 to develop a comprehensive long-term management plan for the Delta. Randy Fiorini said he has been fulltime as chair only since March. (The other six members are one-third time.) He finds it “an oddity to be a farmer from Turlock chairing a state agency dealing with the Delta.” He was raised on his family’s fruit tree and wine grape farm in Turlock, and continues in the family business. He is a past president of the Turlock Irrigation District and past president of the Association of California Water Agencies.

Fiorini was appointed to the Delta Stewardship Council by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as one of the original members. Fiorini was elected vice chair at the first meeting of the DSC in April 2010.

His view is that regulations are not the answer to problems. He said the DSC is light on regulations and heavy on coordination.

“Who should care about what we do?” he posed. “In the third year of drought, we have significant unreliable water supply problems in the Delta.” On May 13, 2013, the DSC approved a Delta Plan that includes 12 regulations and 73 recommendations. If the BDCP is approved by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife, it will be incorporated into the Delta Plan.

The Delta Plan includes a Science Plan. Policy and science work together, he said. We use the best available science in dealing with the ecosystem. All the agencies are overloaded with data. We synthesize the information and provide a central location for all agencies to access and coordinate.

The ecosystem priorities in the Delta Plan are levee integrity, habitat restoration, instream and through-Delta flows, and predation. He said that 20-25 percent of current agricultural land will be converted to shallow water habitat.

He added that watershed management is important. “Many small projects have statewide importance.”

Fiorini said the Delta Plan aligns with the California Water Action Plan, a statewide integrated water management plan ordered by Gov. Brown and released in January. Fiorini explained: We want to move California to a more sustainable position.

He remarked that the drought has created an unprecedented level of cooperation, and he is optimistic that it will continue.

Fiorini likened the role of the DSC to that of professional basketball player John Stockton, point guard for the Utah Jazz. Stockton consistently led the league in the number of assists.

Panel Program

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (49) 2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (52) 2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (47)2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (48)

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (40)2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (56)Moderator Tom Philp introduced the panel discussion by saying that in 1986, Folsom Dam nearly overtopped, putting the Sacramento Valley in flood danger. Today, we have a different type of emergency crisis brought about by a prolonged and widespread drought.

Cowin said DWR had made important decisions in a short time. “We listened carefully,” he said.

Marcus said the SWRCB has had lots of meetings. “We are not done yet. Stakeholders on all sides are disappointed.” She said that some advocates take extreme positions to look good to the crowd vs. helping make decisions.”

She said that crises can bring people together. She mentioned the Sacramento Valley rice farmers who, although they have senior water rights, proposed smaller crop yields and agreed to take their water later.

Fiorini stated the Delta Plan goes to the end of the century. We will apply lessons learned, he said, referring to an adaptive management approach.

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (45)Nancy Weber, Nevada Irrigation District board member, said, “We lost structure. We don’t know how much we can depend on. You might take our carryover water.”

Marcus responded, “It shouldn’t be taken away. Our job is to protect water rights.”

Fiorini commented on the result of climate change. “California is not set up to deal with this,” he said. “We need regional interconnections.” He said water transfers should be reasonably priced and referred to an emergency transfer of 2,400 acre-feet from South San Joaquin Irrigation District to Tuolumne Utilities District at less than market value.

Philps said discussions in southern California are not focused on junior vs. senior water rights, but on what is the right mix of water system investments.

He mentioned a statewide poll conducted by USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times in May and June that said the drought has had little or no impact on their daily lives. Cowin responded that there is a growing interest in a bond for increasing investment and in water in general. The investments would be consistent with the California State Water Action Plan.

Fiorini chimed in, saying that the public needs to be informed of the importance of investments in water. The majority of investments will be by locals, 85 percent. Ten percent will be by the state. He added, “The 1960s were the heyday of construction in California.” That was when the State Water Project was built. California spent 20 percent of state GDP on infrastructure. Now it is two percent.

Marcus commented that water quality always polls well.

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (50)Norm Krizl, Georgetown Divide Public Utility District board member and Vice President of the Mountain Counties board, questioned the application of the co-equal goals in the BDCP. “Increase water supply reliability is left off the BDCP map,” he said.

Cowin replied that the BDCP and California Water Action Plan have to work together. “It’s an all-of-the above strategy,” he said, and called for investment in the Integrated Regional Water Management Program.

Marcus pointed out, “The California Water Action Plan needs fleshing out for upper watersheds.”

Fiorini stated that during the Delta Plan process, Mountain Counties were active participants and advocates for area-of-origin water rights. “They are not disconnected from the Delta,” he said. “Delta operations have an effect on watersheds. It’s in all of our best interests to improve conditions in the Delta.”

Marcus said. “Fish talk is usually 75 percent flows. It’s not just flows.” We need a multiple-stressor approach that includes food, predation and habitat.

Karl Rodefer, Tuolumne County supervisor, introduced himself as coming from the home of the Rim Fire. He pointed out that 80 percent of the water supply comes from public lands.

Marcus replied that the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management are starting to have conversations. She mentioned that illegal marijuana grows on public lands are becoming a water problem.

Cowin said the California Water Action Plan key agencies are meeting every six months to discuss implementation. The next meeting will be in November.

Bob Dean, ACWA Region 3 board chair and Calaveras County Water District board member, said that water in California comes from the Delta watershed and Colorado River. “We can’t resolve problems unless we understand where water originates.” He asked, “Why can’t the co-equal goals be applied everywhere?”

Marcus replied, “Yes, they apply to all.”

Cowin added, “Sustainable water management encompasses both, not one or the other.”

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (57)Barbara Balen, Mountain Counties ex officio board member and former Tuolumne Utilities District board member, asked about the integration of human and natural systems management.

Marcus cited a program in Los Angeles created by a nonprofit called the TreePeople that plants trees to create urban forests.

Philp commented that Metropolitan is selling rain barrels. “They are going like hotcakes for outdoor water needs,” he said.

Mark Rentz, Integrated Natural Resources Management, suggested looking beyond the “litany of resources” to encompass biomass and forests. The values of integrated management include fiscal benefits, he said.

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (21)Mountain Counties Executive Director John Kingsbury inquired about the BDCP process.

“At the end of the day, it is a permit process,” said Cowin. There is an extensive comment period going to the end of July. The plan is 40,000 pages. It is in its eighth year. Decisions will be made on imperfect information. We are seeking a 50-year plan.

Fiorini said the Delta Plan has six high-priority areas. It is “silent on conveyance.” The Delta Stewardship Council commented on the BDCP as a responsible agency. If it is permitted, it will be adopted into the Delta Plan. If not, there will be an appellate review of narrow issues. “Current conditions in the Delta are unsustainable,” he pointed out.

Marcus said it is important that the BDCP be included in the Delta Plan in order for it to be eligible for state funding, “as opposed to being up for grabs.”

She said the BDCP will need to meet flow standards and have a new point of diversion. “The southernmost diversion is the worst place.”

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (46)Mountain Counties President Don Stump said, “We believe in all types of storage.”

Fiorini concurred, “There is no silver bullet.”

Cowin commented, “Nothing will happen without local champions who can demonstrate state interest and provide cost-sharing. He referred to the proposed 1.8 million acre-feet Sites Reservoir west of the Sacramento River that resulted from the formation of a joint powers authority. He also mentioned the Diamond Valley Reservoir near Hemet, where an archeological site was uncovered. The issue was resolved by the creation of a museum.

Fiorini concluded the panel discussion with a reference to the proposed installation of two radial arm gates that would add 3,000 acre-feet to Sugar Pine Reservoir in the Foresthill Public Utility District. It’s an “icon of opportunity with statewide benefits,” he said.

The program was co-sponsored by ECORP Consulting, Inc. and Sierra Nevada Conservancy, ATKINS. El Dorado County Water Agency was host.

2014 Calif Water Leaders Event June 6  (62)









Lower Left: Tom Philp, Felicia Marcus, Mark Cowin

Top Left:  John Kingsbury, Randy Fiorini, Don Stump

PCWA – Sierra Watershed is Key to State Water Supply

July 6, 2014


July 4, 2014

Contact:  David A. Breninger, PCWA (530) 823-4850

Or:     Dave Carter (530) 265-NEWSPCWA Logo

AUBURN — Water supplies in California are dependent upon the health and productivity of the Sierra Nevada watershed but local officials are not sure that this message is clear around the state.

 The importance of local watershed was the subject of a presentation at Thursday’s (July 3) meeting of the Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors. Geologist and PCWA consultant Marie Davis screened a slide show that PCWA has been using to brief water industry and elected officials from around the region and state.

“The Sierra Nevada is the backbone of the state’s water supply but there are still many people who are unaware of this,” said Davis, who noted several things, including forest health, vegetation management and sedimentation, can affect water runoff and quality. Davis and PCWA Director of Strategic Affairs Einar Maisch said state leaders need to recognize the value of the state’s headwaters areas.

TUD – Drought Related Project Near Completion

July 6, 2014


July 3, 2014

Contact: Lisa Westbrook,  Public Relationstud-logo

(209) 532-5536, x501

SONORA, CA: Tuolumne Utilities District (TUD) is near completion of a drought related reservoir expansion project located in Columbia.

“This was a critical project for the 2
District and one we thought was
necessary to help us to continue to
supply water to the Columbia area
during the drought and also to ensure
a water supply to the CAL Fire
Columbia Air Attack base,” states Tom
Scesa, General Manager.

TUD staff was able to secure the
necessary permits from State and
County agencies to move this project along quickly. As a high priority project, this project was
completed in six weeks. Also, TUD construction crews removed an estimated 16,830 cubic
yards of sludge from the existing reservoir to expand the total volume.

The Matelot Reservoir was expanded from 6 acre feet to a volume of 26.2 acre feet. “This is an
essential project that will help us to supply water to this area during the annual ditch outage that
occurs in October,” continues Scesa. The increased water supply would supply the Columbia
area with about three weeks of water storage. The District is in the process of securing drought
related funding for this project in the amount of $270,000 through the California Department of
Public Health.

The Reservoir is currently filling and should be filled to its capacity early next week.

3 1




MCWRA Letter to State Water Board – Curtailments/Water Rights

June 28, 2014

The Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) sent a letter to the State Water Resources Control Board expressing its concern over recent and pending State Water Resources Control Board curtailment actions.  The letter calls for the State Board to immediately develop a process to determine on a watershed-by-watershed, water-right-by-water-right basis where curtailments are necessary and where diversions may continue or resume.  The letter also states that the State Board must not lose sight of its concurrent obligation to honor the existing water code, including area of origin laws and the core principles of priority and regional self-sufficiency.

Letter:  State Water Resources Control Board – June 2014 final

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