The Truth Be Told: The Delta / The Tunnels / The Tributaries

September 28, 2015

Reminder –  RSVP for the upcoming northern California Mountain Counties Event.  You won’t want to miss this program  – Friday, October 16 in Auburn CA.

You have heard of BDCP – the California Fix and California EcoRestore.

What do they really mean and how will they effect the north state’s water supply reliability and water rights. Hear the answers to the questions you need to know. 

RSVP for Tickets

Date:  Friday, October 16

Doors Open:  9:00 a.m.

Program will start promptly at: 9:45 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.  Please note the start time change 

Location:  The Ridge Golf Club and Event Center, 2020 Golf Course Rd, Auburn, CA 95602

Program Host:


Program Proudly Underwritten and Sponsored by:                                                                                                                                                       
 In 2012, Governor Brown issued a statement and said, “State and U.S. governments will make sure implementation of BDCP will not impose any obligations on water users upstream of the Delta to supplement flows in and through the Delta.”  Now that the BDCP has become the California Fix and California EcoRestore, what rules and regulations will be in store upstream if and when the tunnels become a reality.
This program will not debate the merit of the tunnels, but the upstream facts about the California Fix and California EcoRestore if and when there is construction of a new conveyance system. 

Confirmed speakers:

  • Ara Azhderian Water Policy Administrator, San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water Authority
  • Mark Cowin, Director, Department of Water Resources
  • Andy Fecko, Director Resource Development, Placer County Water Agency
  • Campbell Ingram, Executive Officer for the Delta Conservancy 
  • Karla Nemeth, Deputy Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency; Governors senior advisor on water policy
  • Don Nottoli, Supervisor, County of Sacramento
  • Roger Patterson, Assistant General Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
  • Steve Rothert, California Director, American Rivers

These speakers will sit on a panel moderated by David Guy, President, Northern California Water Association.

RSVP for Tickets

RSVP Today for the Upcoming MCWRA Program

September 21, 2015

Please note the start time change from 10:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

Get this on your calendar and RSVP Today. You won’t want to miss this program!

The Truth Be Told:  The Delta / The Tunnels / The Tributaries

RSVP for Tickets

Date:  Friday, October 16

Doors Open:  9:00 a.m.

Program Starts: 9:45 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

Location:  The Ridge Golf Club and Event Center, 2020 Golf Course Rd, Auburn, CA 95602

Program Underwritten and Sponsored by:                                                                                                                                                       
SAGELogo_CMYK Program Host:logo_PCWA_home
 In 2012, Governor Brown issued a statement and said, “State and U.S. governments will make sure implementation of BDCP will not impose any obligations on water users upstream of the Delta to supplement flows in and through the Delta.”  Now that the BDCP has become the California Fix and California EcoRestore, what rules and regulations will be in store upstream if and when the tunnels become a reality.
This program will not debate the merit of the tunnels, but the upstream facts about the California Fix and California EcoRestore if and when there is construction of a new conveyance system. 

Confirmed speakers:

  • Mark Cowin, Director, Department of Water Resources
  • Andy Fecko, Director Resource Development, Placer County Water Agency
  • Campbell Ingram, Executive Officer for the Delta Conservancy 
  • Karla Nemeth, Deputy Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency; Governors senior advisor on water policy
  • Don Nottoli, Supervisor, County of Sacramento
  • Roger Patterson, Assistant General Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
  • Jason Peltier, Executive Director, San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water Authority
  • Steve Rothert, California Director, American Rivers

Program panel moderated by David Guy, President, Northern California Water Association

RSVP for Tickets

Questions about the program should be directed to John Kingsbury or by calling 530.957.7879

PCWA Transfers its Eastern Water System to Northstar CSD

September 20, 2015

For Immediate Release:


Einar Maisch, PCWA General Manager (530) 823-4860
or: Ross Branch, PCWA Public Affairs Manager (530) 823-1937

At their September 17 meeting in Tahoe Vista, Calif., the Board Directors of the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) approved an agreement to transfer the Agency’s eastern water system in the Martis Valley near Truckee (Zone 4) to Northstar Community Services District (NCSD). Zone 4 utilizes groundwater to supply approximately 600 customers.

“The transfer of the Zone 4 system is truly in the best interest of our customers,” PCWA General Manager, Einar Maisch said. “I’d like to thank the staff of NCSD for their diligence throughout this process. They have, and will continue to be, an important partner to the Agency. We look forward to a smooth transition.”

The agreement establishes October 1, 2015, as the date NCSD will take ownership and full operational responsibility. NCSD has been providing PCWA with operational and maintenance support on the eastern water system for more than six years.

Click for PCWA News Release:  PCWA Transfers Eastern Water System

RSVP Today for the Upcoming MCWRA Program – Speakers Added

September 15, 2015

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association is pleased to announce the next “must see” program:

The Truth Be Told:  The Delta / The Tunnels / The Tributaries

RSVP for Tickets

Date:  Friday, October 16

Doors Open:  9:00 a.m.

Program Starts: 10:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.

Location:  The Ridge Golf Club and Event Center, 2020 Golf Course Rd, Auburn, CA 95602

Program Underwritten and Sponsored by:                                                                                                                                                                        Program Host:
 In 2012, Governor Brown issued a statement and said, “State and U.S. governments will make sure implementation of BDCP will not impose any obligations on water users upstream of the Delta to supplement flows in and through the Delta.”  Now that the BDCP has become the California Fix and California EcoRestore, what rules and regulations will be in store upstream if and when the tunnels become a reality.
This program will not debate the merit of the tunnels, but the upstream facts about the California Fix and California EcoRestore if and when there is construction of a new conveyance system .

Confirmed speakers:

  • Mark Cowin, Director, Department of Water Resources
  • Andy Fecko, Director Resource Development, Placer County Water Agency
  • Campbell Ingram, Executive Officer for the Delta Conservancy 
  • Karla Nemeth, Deputy Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency; Governors senior advisor on water policy
  • Don Nottoli, Supervisor, County of Sacramento
  • Roger Patterson, Assistant General Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
  • Jason Peltier, Executive Director, San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water Authority
  • Steve Rothert, California Director, American Rivers

Program panel moderated by David Guy, President, Northern California Water Association

RSVP for Tickets

Questions about the program should be directed to John Kingsbury @ or by calling 530.957.7879

TUD – New GM Hired

September 14, 2015


Contact: Lisa Westbrook,Public Relations (209) 532-5536, x501TUD


After a lengthy search, the Tuolumne Utilities District (TUD) Board of Directors has selected a new General Manager to run the District. Starting in April this year, the Board authorized a contract for Executive Recruitment Services of CPS HR Consulting of Sacramento to help in the recruiting process of hiring a new General Manager for the District. Tom Scesa, General Manager at that time, retired in June 2015. Currently an Interim General Manager, David Andres, has been overseeing General Manager duties while the Board reviewed possible candidates for the permanent General Manager position.

After a series of Closed Session meetings and interviews with possible candidates, the Board has selected Thomas J. Haglund of Gilroy as the new General Manager for the District. Mr. Haglund currently serves as City Administrator for the City of Gilroy since 2008. He has also served as General Manager for the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRWA), a joint powers authority of the cities of Gilroy and Morgan Hill. As City Administrator for the City of Gilroy, Mr. Haglund oversees the Police, Fire, Community Development, Community Services, Finance and Administration departments. He is also responsible for overseeing the City’s $134 million dollar budget and development of the annual financial statement audit. Mr. Haglund has experience overseeing the City of Gilroy’s water and wastewater delivery systems that serve more than 14,000 customer accounts. “Mr. Haglund has the financial experience and leadership qualities that we were looking for to fill the General Manager position. The District is in a challenging time and we believe that Mr. Haglund is the best choice to lead the District in a positive direction. I’m enthused and looking forward to, and I believe my fellow Board Directors are too, that we have hired a talented individual from outside of the TUD organization that will be bringing to the table a whole new outlook and set of ideas to overcome issues that have been troubling TUD for years. The fact that he has owned a home here in the community for over 20 years and has been involved with local groups during that time means he is not only familiar with Tuolumne County, but that he will fit right in as a full time resident and community member,” states Board President, Ron Ringen.

TomHaglund“I am very enthusiastic about joining TUD and collaborating with the Board of Directors to define and implement their vision for the future. I look forward to working with the Board, staff and community in meeting the challenges facing the District,” states Thomas Haglund.

The references that were received by CPS HR, commented that Mr. Haglund upholds the highest level of integrity and is extremely sharp. He has been able to provide the agencies he has managed sound, financial stability. In addition to his solid administrative, fiscal and business acumen, Mr. Haglund was praised by many for his collaborative approach to management and community relations. One former manager from the City of Gilroy stated “He’s been an amazing mentor…I know any organization he goes to will be fortunate to have him.”

Mr. Haglund holds a Master of Public Administration degree and Bachelor of Science degree from Portland State University.

Mr. Hagland will begin his role as TUD General Manager on November 2, 2015. Dave Andres, Interim General Manager, will remain at the District as needed to be available to help with the transition. # # #

TUD News Release: TUD – ThomasHaglundGMREV_09082015

New Executive Member – County of Toulumne / Members Helping Members

August 31, 2015

The Mountain Counties Water Resources Association would like to

WELCOME the County of Tuolumne as its newest Executive Member

See MCWRA Members Page



Associate Members help support MCWRA by keeping down membership dues and the “Members Helping Members” program off sets the cost of maintaining the MCWRA website.These regional professionals see the value in supporting MCWRA and this region.  I ask that when you consider your next program, project or study, reach out to our Associate members and include them on your next request for proposal. This list will save you time, money, and provide you with the professional to meet your water needs. It’s Members Helping Members !

Members Helping Members List

 Thank You!

John Kingsbury




19th annual Lake Tahoe Summit – OP ED

August 21, 2015

Special to The Sacramento Bee

BY ANDREW FECKO, Placer County Water Agency and  JOHN KINGSBURY, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association

When elected officials from California and Nevada meet Monday for the 19th annual Lake Tahoe Summit, much attention will be given to the clarity of the lake and protecting the unique basin environment.  Part of the discussion must include the health of our national forests and their associated watersheds. As the 2007 Angora fire reminds us, no community, no matter how treasured, is immune to the effects of forest fire.

…We believe that the Tahoe region’s congressional representatives should take the opportunity at the summit to agree to promote healthy forests and, by extension, protect our watersheds. A framework is in place with HR 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015.


SAVE the DATE Friday, October 16

August 17, 2015

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association is pleased to announce the next “must see” program:

The Truth Be Told:  The Delta / The Tunnels / The Tributaries

Date:  Friday, October 16
Time:  10:00a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Location:  The Ridge Golf Course and Event Center, Auburn, CA


Hear the facts about the California Fix and California EcoRestore from top officials.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Karla Nemeth, Deputy Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency; and the Governors senior advisor on water policy
  • Campbell Ingram, Executive Officer for the Delta Conservancy 
  • Roger Patterson, Assistant General Manger, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
  • Jason Peltier, Executive Director, San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water Authority

SAVE THE DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR – more information to come!


Delta Conservancy – Proposition 1 Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Grant Program

August 10, 2015

Image result for sacramento san joaquin delta conservancy

In Prop. 1, $50 million is identified for the Conservancy “for competitive grants for multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects in accordance with statewide priorities (Sec. 79730 and 79731).”

Per Prop. 1 and the Conservancy’s enabling legislation, emphasis will be placed on projects using public lands and that “maximizes voluntary landowner participation in projects that provide measureable and long-lasting habitat or species improvements in the Delta.”

To the extent feasible, projects need to promote state planning priorities and sustainable communities strategies consistent with Government Code 65080(b)(2)(B). Furthermore, all proposed projects must be consistent with statewide priorities as identified in Prop. 1, the California Water Action Plan, the Conservancy’s enabling legislation, the Delta Plan, and the Conservancy’s Strategic Plan.

The solicitation period for the submission of Concept Proposals is now open. Concept proposals will be accepted until 5:00 pm, Monday, September 14, 2015.

More:  Delta Conservancy Grant Page

Eligible Projects ; page 5


California Department of Fish & Wildlife – Proposition 1 Restoration Grant Programs

August 10, 2015

CDFW logo CDFW Proposition 1 Restoration Grant Programs

Fish and Wildlife Grants Banner
Proposition 1 Solicitation Released

CDFW has released its Proposal Solicitation Notice (PDF) for its Proposition 1 Restoration Grant Programs and is now accepting applications.

Applications are due by 4:00 pm, PST on Wednesday, September 16, 2015.

Please visit CDFW’s Proposition 1 Restoration Grant Programs web page for more information on the grant programs and solicitation process.


CDFW Watershed Restoration Grants Branch
1416 9th Street, 12th Floor
Sacramento, California 95814
(916) 445-0411


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