MCWRA members comment on proposed permanent conservation regulatory framework

December 20, 2016

On December 14, 2016, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) sent a response to the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) release of the 72-page Pubic Review Draft report that proposes permanent water conservation measures.

Click this link for letter:

In addition, the following Executive Members submitted letters. Click the link by each logo to view.




























MCWRA addresses proposed permanent water conservation

December 18, 2016

On December 14, 2016, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) sent a response to the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) release of the 72-page Pubic Review Draft report that proposes permanent water conservation measures.

John Kingsbury, MCWRA Executive Director: This regulatory approach is of significant concern as it represents a fundamental shift of local control to a permanent regulatory conservation framework that is inequitable to this region.  These measures will erode land use, water rights, adversely affect wildlife habitat, recreation, tourism, our economies and the quality of life people enjoy in this region. The Public Review Draft is indisputably regulatory overreach, infeasible, cost prohibitive, and destined for failure.

Letter to SWRCB: 2016-conservation-framework-comment-letter

Bill George honored for years of dedicated services

December 15, 2016


At the December 12, 2016 El Dorado Irrigation District Board of Directors meeting, Director Bill George was recognized for his dedicated years of service.

Mountain Democrat Newspaper

By Dawn Hodson

Click the link below for more:

Member News

December 10, 2016

EID Logo (4)

El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) receives $476,709 grant from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy for their Caples Creek Watershed Ecological Restoration Project, 

This grant to the El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) will complete forest management and restoration activities on 6,800 acres within the larger South Fork American River Watershed, which is the primary water supply for more than 110,000 people and businesses served by the EID. Project work will include prescribed fire, meadow restoration, and aspen enhancement, and will be implemented in partnership with the USFS, Eldorado National Forest over a four-year period.

Sierra Nevada Conservancy

pcwa-logoPlacer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board approves groundwater management approach for Martis Valley.

At their December 5 meeting, the Board approved an alternative submittal for the Martis Valley Groundwater Basin to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).  If approved by California Department of Water Resources, this alternative submittal meets requirements for local agencies to achieve sustainable groundwater management under legislation enacted in 2014.

MORE: 12-06-2016_pcwa_board_approves_groundwater_management_approach_for_martis_valley

Tuolutudmne Utilities District (TUD) receives $496,000 grant from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy for their Lyons South Fork Watershed Forest Resiliency Project.

The Lyons South Fork Watershed Forest Resiliency Project will improve water quality, forest health and help protect our communities by building a fuel break along the flume of the Tuolumne Main Canal.

TUD News Release:  snc-grant_lyonssoforkproject_final-1








Sierra Nevada Conservancy



Opinion – Time for more water storage

December 9, 2016


By:  John Kingsbury, Executive Director, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association

My turn on Water Management – “Time for more Water Storage” as published in the International Water Power & Dam Construction November 2016 magazine

As most of California recovers from a historical drought, one thing we can count on is that history will repeat itself.  Californians can take full credit for willingly sacrificing landscape and adjusting habits to save water supply for another year.  Toilets have been replaced, lawn has been converted to plastic, leaks have been fixed, prime agricultural land has been fallowed, and we have learned to be more efficient with our water supply.  However, most consumers in California are weary from coping with the drought and the accompanying mandated emergency water-use restrictions.

MORE – November 2016 article: water-storage-opinon-published-by-water-power-and-dam-construction

International Water Power & Dam Construction

SWRCB – Temporary Suspension of Monthly Reporting Requirement

November 1, 2016


  Message from the State Water Resources Control Board

Temporary Suspension of Monthly Reporting Requirement Pursuant to Order WR 2015-0002-DWR

On February 4, 2015, the Deputy Director for Water Rights issued Order WR 2015-0002-DWR (Informational Order) to 1,061 Statement holders in the Sacramento and San Joaquin watersheds and Delta. This Informational Order, adopted as part of the integrated emergency drought response and extended in force through September 13, 2016, requires among other things affected diverters to report their water diversions for each month by the fifth day of the succeeding month.

Even though the Informational Order remains in force, the Division of Water Rights recognizes that early cumulative precipitation for the current water year and coincident seasonal reduction in diversions have reduced pressure on the Sacramento-San Joaquin watershed.

In light of the current conditions, but mindful of the potential for on-going drought, the Division hereby exercises its discretion and temporarily suspends, beginning with the October 2016 reporting period, the requirement for monthly reporting of water diversions under Order WR 2015-0002-DWR.

The Division will continue to monitor conditions and will make future decisions with respect to monthly reporting as conditions develop. This temporary suspension does not affect the enforceability of the order, as to responses previously required, or for the other annual reporting responsibilities of all water users under their water rights.


Urban Water Institute and MCWRA Recommended Policy Principles for Long-Term Water Use Efficiency in California

October 26, 2016

MCWRA joined the Urban Water Institute  in a letter to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) recommending seven policy principles for long-term water use efficiency in California.

At the Urban Water Institute’s (UWI) 23rd Annual Water Conference in San Diego, a panel discussed the recent state-mandated water conservation emergency and the future of long-term water conservation, which resulted in recommended policy principles for long-term water use efficiency in California.

The panel included:

Click link for: conservation-policy-principles

Urban Water Institute, Inc.

MCWRA Associate member, The Urban Water Institute, Inc., was incorporated as a nonprofit public education organization in the State of California in 1993, with the Mission to provide non-partisan information of timely and pertinent interest to the water resource industry, including public agencies and private firms, with particular emphasis on water economics, management and resource policies as they affect consumers and the general economy.




My Turn: Are we trying to thrive or survive?

October 13, 2016

My Turn: Are we trying to thrive or survive?

By: John Kingsbury, Executive Director
Mountain Counties Water Resources Association

 As California recovers from the drought, it is troubling that there is a push by certain interest groups to establish permanent water conservation regulations beyond this emergency. It seems like these groups are focused more on their ideology or political agenda than on the real impacts that such a permanent “state of emergency” will have on other people’s lives and livelihoods….

OPINION ARTICLE: Click link for more:

Letter on this subject to the State Water Resources Control Board click: water-conservation-swrcb-oct-2016


MCWRA appointed to serve on the California Water Plan Update 2018 (Update 2018) Policy Advisory Committee

October 11, 2016

In a letter from Mark Cowin, Director, Department of Water Resources, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) executive director John Kingsbury has been appointed to serve as a member of the California Water Plan Update 2018 (Update 2018) Policy Advisory Committee.

The role of the Policy Advisory Committee (AC) is to provide broad, representative perspectives and advice to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) in preparing Update 2018.

Click link for a copy of the appointment letter and a list of all Policy AC members: jkingsbury-mwdsc

Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Fall Reception

October 11, 2016

To the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association membership:






The Northern California Water Association (NCWA) invites you to join them for a reception to celebrate the sacramento valley and its special farms, fish and wildlife

Thursday, October 20, 2016 4:00pm

Matchbook Winery in the Dunnigan Hills 12300 County Road 92B, Zamora

Click the following link to register:  ncwa-fall-2016-reception-invitation
















*Photos by Brian Baer & Ken Davis*

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