Symposium this Friday – Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra Nevada Tributaries

October 24, 2017

Attendees:  Arrive early to get a good seat.  You will want to stay for the afternoon panel;  powerful, educational, and entertaining

Jeffrey Mount, Ph.D, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute in California (PPIC) will present and moderate a panel of experts on the stressors in the Sierra and Delta and how to fix the problems. 

What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta.   

Friday, October 27, 2017 at The Ridge Golf Course & Events Center, 2020 Golf Course Road, Auburn, CA 95602

Late Registration closes Wednesday, October 25 at 5:00 p.m.



Doors open at 8:45 and program starts on-time at 9:15 a.m – 3:30 p.m.



The Honorable Kevin Kiley, Assembly Member, State of California



Michael Patrick George, Delta Watermaster




Jose D. Setka, Manager Fisheries & Wildlife Division, East Bay Municipal Utility District




Eileen Sobeck, The new Executive Director for the State Water Resources Control Board



What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta….STARTING at its source!


Jim Branham, Executive Officer, Sierra Nevada Conservancy





Doug Demko, President, FISHBIO





Dr. Bruce Herbold Ph.D, Fish Biologist, Retired, USEPA





Jay Lund, Ph.D, Board Member & Past Chair, Delta Stewardship Council Independent Science Board





Jeffrey Mount, Ph.D, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute in California (PPIC)

*Presenter and Panel Moderator*



Late Registration closes Wednesday, October 25 at 5:00 p.m.





MCWRA – Symposium – Thanks to our SPONSORS

October 19, 2017

Programs like this upcoming MCWRA symposium couldn’t happen without sponsorship from our Associate Members.  Members helping Members!



Arrive early to get a good seat.

Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra Nevada Tributaries

“The Stressors and the Fix”

What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta.  Get the information first-hand from top experts in their field.  

Friday, October 27, 2017 at The Ridge Golf Course & Events Center, 2020 Golf Course Road, Auburn, CA 95602

Doors open at 8:45 and program starts on-time at 9:15 a.m – 3:30 p.m.




Michael Patrick George, Delta Watermaster




Jose D. Setka, Manager Fisheries & Wildlife Division, East Bay Municipal Utility District




Eileen Sobeck, The new Executive Director for the State Water Resources Control Board




What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta….STARTING at its source!


Jim Branham, Executive Officer, Sierra Nevada Conservancy





Doug Demko, President, FISHBIO





Dr. Bruce Herbold Ph.D, Fish Biologist, Retired, USEPA





Jay Lund, Ph.D, Board Member & Past Chair, Delta Stewardship Council Independent Science Board




Jeffrey Mount, Ph.D, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute in California (PPIC)

*Presenter and Panel Moderator*



The Honorable Kevin Kiley, Assembly Member, State of California



Late Registration currently open, closing soon


MCWRA Symposium Next Week – Last chance to RSVP

October 16, 2017

Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra Nevada Tributaries

“The Stressors and the Fix”

What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta.  Get the information first-hand from top experts in their field.  

We have assembled top experts in the water business.  RSVP to hear their perspectives on the issues and solutions in California water management. Hear what the experts have to say.  

You won’t want to miss this symposium – October 27, 2017. 


Friday, October 27, 2017 at The Ridge Golf Course & Events Center, 2020 Golf Course Road, Auburn, CA 95602

Doors open at 8:45 and program starts on-time at 9:15 a.m – 3:15 p.m.




Michael Patrick George, Delta Watermaster




Jose D. Setka, Manager Fisheries & Wildlife Division, East Bay Municipal Utility District




Eileen Sobeck, The new Executive Director for the State Water Resources Control Board




What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta….STARTING at its source!


Jim Branham, Executive Officer, Sierra Nevada Conservancy





Doug Demko, President, FISHBIO





Dr. Bruce Herbold Ph.D, Fish Biologist, Retired, USEPA





Jay Lund, Ph.D, Board Member & Past Chair, Delta Stewardship Council Independent Science Board




Jeffrey Mount, Ph.D, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute in California (PPIC)

*Presenter and Panel Moderator*



The Honorable Kevin Kiley, Assembly Member, State of California




MCWRA Symposium – RSVP – Speakers Added

October 3, 2017

Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra Nevada Tributaries

“The Stressors and the Fix”

What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta.  Get the information first-hand from top experts in their field.  You won’t want to miss this symposium!!


Friday, October 27, 2017 at The Ridge Golf Course & Events Center, 2020 Golf Course Road, Auburn, CA 95602

Doors open at 8:45 and program starts on-time at 9:15 a.m – 3:15 p.m.




Michael Patrick George, Delta Watermaster


Jose D. Setka, Manager Fisheries & Wildlife Division, East Bay Municipal Utility District



SPECIAL GUEST – The Honorable Kevin Kiley, Assembly Member, State of California





Eileen Sobeck, The new Executive Director for the State Water Resources Control Board





Dr. Bruce Herbold Ph.D, Fish Biologist, Retired, USEPA





Jim Branham, Executive Officer, Sierra Nevada Conservancy





Doug Demko, President, FISHBIO





Jay Lund, Ph.D, Board Member & Past Chair, Delta Stewardship Council Independent Science Board




Jeffrey Mount, Ph.D, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute in California (PPIC)




Thanks to our Sponors:

RSVP for the upcoming MCWRA Symposium – Speakers Added

September 27, 2017

Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra Nevada Tributaries

“The Stressors and the Fix”

What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta.  Get the information first-hand from top experts in their field.


Friday, October 27, 2017 at The Ridge Golf Course & Events Center, 2020 Golf Course Road, Auburn, CA 95602

Doors open at 8:45 and program starts on-time at 9:15 a.m – 3:15 p.m.




SPECIAL GUEST – The Honorable Kevin Kiley, Assembly Member, State of California





Eileen Sobeck, The new Executive Director for the State Water Resources Control Board





Dr. Bruce Herbold Ph.D, Fish Biologist, Retired, USEPA





Jim Branham, Executive Officer, Sierra Nevada Conservancy





Doug Demko, President, FISHBIO





Jay Lund, Ph.D, Board Member & Past Chair, Delta Stewardship Council Independent Science Board




Jeffrey Mount, Ph.D, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute in California (PPIC)




Thanks to our Sponors:


EID Joins Coalition Filing Suit against California WaterFix

September 25, 2017
On August 18, 2017, EID joined a coalition of more than a dozen different water agencies in filing suit against the California WaterFix—otherwise known as the “twin tunnels” project.

Post Date: 09/12/2017 10:15 AM

Contact: Jesse Saich, Public Information Officer, (530)

Placerville, Calif. — On August 18, 2017, EID joined a coalition of more than a dozen different water agencies in filing suit against the California WaterFix—otherwise known as the “twin tunnels” project. The project proposes to construct two large tunnels in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, beginning near the town of Freeport, to pump water out of the Sacramento River and convey it to the pumps near the town of Tracy for export.

The California WaterFix project is the latest initiative in a decades-long struggle to reconcile the dual objectives of conveying Northern California-originated water through the Delta to agricultural and urban users to the south while protecting the Delta’s habitat and the species that depend upon it.

The lawsuit alleges that the California Department of Water Resources, one of the two applicants seeking approval from the State Water Resources Control Board to add three new points of diversion for the proposed tunnel intakes, failed to adequately analyze the impacts of the proposed project as required by the California Environmental Quality Act.

“EID has joined this coalition and filed suit because we perceive a potential for the WaterFix to adversely impact the water supply portfolio that our customers and community rely upon,” said EID General Counsel Brian Poulsen.

Water agencies all over Northern California fear that the proposed WaterFix Project could reduce water supplies available for diversion and impose limits on storage that could directly affect the available water for use by their customers.

“EID has been actively monitoring the potential impacts of the WaterFix project and we believe it is in the best interests of EID’s ratepayers to join in this lawsuit to defend our community’s water rights,” said EID General Manager Jim Abercrombie.

CCWD will be hosting a communications training workshop for small water systems

September 20, 2017


Contact: Joel Metzger, Manager of External Affairs, Conservation and Grants

Calaveras County Water District, 

Desk: (209) 754-3123 |Mobile: (209) 768-6270

The Environmental Finance Center Network, in collaboration with the American Water Works Association, will be hosting a two-day training workshop on October 4-5 at the CCWD Headquarters in San Andreas. The training is titled “Leadership Through Decision-making and Communication Workshop for Small Water Systems”. A flyer with registration and contact information for the workshop can be found here.  The training is free to those currently employed in a small water system.

Click for more: Communications Workshop Flyer_Oct. 4-5


PCWA Files suit against California WaterFix

August 31, 2017

AUBURN, Calif. (August 28, 2017) — On August 17, 2017, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) filed suit in Placer County Superior Court challenging the California Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) approval of the California WaterFix (WaterFix) Environmental Impact Report. The WaterFix proposes to add additional points of diversion for the State Water Project and Central Valley Project in the north Delta, on the Sacramento River, and convey water through two tunnels to destinations south of the Delta.  By adding points of diversion in the north Delta, DWR and the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) will have the ability to move more stored water from north-of-Delta reservoirs to central and southern California, which could adversely affect water supplies in the American River watershed, including lower water levels in Folsom Reservoir.


MCWRA Executive Director elected to Urban Water Institute Board of Directors

August 29, 2017

At their 2017 Annual conference earlier this month in southern California, the Urban Water Institute (UWI) Board of Directors elected MCWRA executive director John Kingsbury to serve on their Board.  

The Urban Water Institute, Inc., was incorporated as a nonprofit public education organization in the State of California in 1993, with the Mission to provide non-partisan information of timely and pertinent interest to the water resource industry, including public agencies and private firms, with particular emphasis on water economics, management and resource policies as they affect consumers and the general economy.

 Board of Directors

The Institute is governed by a volunteer board of directors drawn from hands-on policy makers, elected officials and industry leaders who are active in the water resources industry.

Click to view the UWI Board of Directors

Over the years, MCWRA and UWI has built a relationship and looks for common water interests to help advance sound water policy in California.  For example, long-term water use efficiency in California is a pertinent issue to urban and rural areas alike. At the Urban Water Institute’s Annual Conference in August last year, the UWI held a session with approximately 150 attendees from urban and rural interests from stakeholders across the State. MCWRA and UWI developed and submitted recommended policy principles for long-term water use efficiency in California.

Click to view the recommended policy principles: Urban Water Institute and Mountain Counties Water Resources Association Recommended Policy Principles For Long-Term Water Use Efficiency in California

“It is an honor to be selected and elected to the Urban Water Institute Board of Directors”, says John Kingsbury.  “I look forward to an active role on the Board to help the two organizations further our regional and statewide water interests.”

The Urban Water Institute will host its Spring Water Conference, being held at Hilton Palm Springs on February 7-9, 2018 in Palm Springs, CA.

Click for more information on the Spring conference:

Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra Nevada Tributaries; “The Stressors and the Fix”

August 28, 2017

 *** Save the Date ***

for the next MCWRA Symposium

You will want to put this on your calendar and RSVP today


Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra Nevada Tributaries

“The Stressors and the Fix”

What does the science show about flow, fish, the stressors and the fix necessary to achieve a healthy and sustainable Delta.  Get the information first-hand from top experts in their field.

Friday, October 27, 2017 at The Ridge Golf Course & Events Center, 2020 Golf Course Road, Auburn, CA 95602

Doors open at 8:45 and program starts on-time at 9:15 a.m – 3:15 p.m.


  • Eileen Sobeck, Executive Director, State Water Resources Control Board (Invited)
  • Grant Davis, Director, Department of Water Resources (Tentative) – Keynote Speaker




Jim Branham, Executive Officer, Sierra Nevada Conservancy





Doug Demko, President, FISHBIO





Jay Lund, PhD, Board Member & Past Chair, Delta Stewardship Council Independent Science Board



 Introduced and Moderated by:

Jeffrey Mount, PhD, Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute in California (PPIC)





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