Remember to RSVP for March 15, 2019 DWR Briefing

February 13, 2019

DWR Briefing on Outdoor Irrigation Regulations – March 15, 2019

February 4, 2019 | Edit


Mountain Counties Water Resources Association will be holding a Department of Water Resources (DWR) briefing on March 15, 2019 on DWR’s implementation of the long-term Water Conservation Framework legislation, signed into law by Governor Brown in May, 2018

Register Here for MCWRA Event – DWR Briefing

Long-term Conservation Framework, 
What will be required, and DWR’s role for Outdoor Irrigation. 
Speaker: Peter Brostrom, Water Use Efficiency Manager, Department of Water Resources 
Date:  Friday, March 15
Locaton:  El Dorado Irrigation District
Doors Open:  9:00 am for registration and networking
Program:  10:00 am – noon with Q&A

Register Here for MCWRA Event – DWR Briefing


Leaky canals costly to Placer Water

February 6, 2019

Leaks created wildlife habitat and problems to fix

By: Gus Thomson, Reporter/Columnist  Auburn Journal

A $500,000 program to mitigate for destruction of artificial habitat created by Placer County Water Agency canal leaks has ended. The Water Agency started working in the mid-2000s to fix ongoing leaks along its canals and confronted a problem of its own doing.

The leaks had created what state Environmental Quality Act standards defined as artificially established wetlands and habitat for wildlife. As a result,  the agency partnered with the Placer Land Trust in 2007 to establish mitigation funding to allow what was considered damage to 8,865 acres of habitat as the leaks were fixed. That program has amounted to just more than $503,000 in water agency contributions to the wetland mitigation account, according to Land Trust figures. Land Trust Executive Director Jeff Darlington reported to the Water Agency this past month that the funds have now been spent and the account has a zero balance.


DWR Briefing on Outdoor Irrigation Regulations – March 15, 2019

February 4, 2019


Mountain Counties Water Resources Association will be holding a Department of Water Resources (DWR) Briefing on March 15, 2019 on DWR’s implementation of the long Water Conservation Framework Legislation, which was signed into law by Governor Brown in May 2018

Register Here for MCWRA Event – DWR Briefing

Long-term Conservation Framework, 
What will be required, and DWR’s role for Outdoor Irrigation. 
Speaker: Peter Brostrom, Water Use Efficiency Manager, Department of Water Resources 
Date:  Friday, March 15
Locaton:  El Dorado Irrigation District
Doors Open:  9:00 am for registration and networking
Program:  10:00 am – noon with Q&A

Register Here for MCWRA Event – DWR Briefing

No walk-ins


MCWRA Supports JVID’s Opposition to Fee Increase

February 2, 2019

At its January 25, 2019 meeting, the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) Board of Directors endorsed the opposition by Jackson Valley Irrigation District (JVID) and others over concerns of the proposed fee increase by the Division of Safety of Dams.

MCWRA Letter – Opposition to Annual Dam Fee Increase

JVID January 7 2019 DSOD dam fee

MCWRA Board Officers for 2019

January 31, 2019

MCWRA Board of Directors

Left to Right:  Supervisor Randy Fletcher, Barbara Balen, Mike Lee, Supervisor Jim Holmes, Scott Ratterman, Neil Cochran.  Not pictured, Supervisor Brian Oneto

At its January 25, 2019 meeting, the Board of Directors elected Barbara Balen, President, Neil Cochran, Vice President, and Scott Ratterman, Treasurer.

The Board appointed County of Alpine Supervisor Terry Woodrow to the Governance Committee.  The Directors also considered several items to adapt to changing conditions with emphasis on enhancing regional collaboration and statewide relevancy.

More on Directors and Officers

EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Float Revised “Waters of the United States” Rule

January 15, 2019

On December 11, 2018, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) released a pre-publication of the proposed revision to the “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) Rule.  The proposed revision is the second step in the review and revision of the 2015 WOTUS rule, pursuant to the February 2017 Executive Order “Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ‘Waters of the United States’ Rule.”

Click for more on this subject from Somach Simmons & Dunn:

California Watershed Protection Fund – Request for Proposals

January 13, 2019

California Watershed Protection Fund
LOIs Due February 15

Purpose of the Fund

The California Watershed Protection Fund supports projects designed to benefit the water quality of many of California’s watersheds and their ecosystems. In this Spring 2019 grants round, we are considering projects in specific watersheds and their ecosystems: Please see Eligibility Criteria (below) for a detailed list.

Due to the volume of applicants, we anticipate that this funding process will be very competitive and most grants awarded will be in the $7,500 – $25,000 range. While the Rose Foundation welcomes proposals from small grassroots conservation and environmental justice groups, please understand that all applicants must be able to demonstrate a strong track record of community-based water quality stewardship. If your organization is new or small (under $100,000 annual expenses), we urge you to consider applying to our Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund instead. For information about the Grassroots Fund, please click here.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a California Watershed Protection Fund grant, the project must meet the following criteria:

  • Projects Supported must be designed to benefit the water quality of the following watersheds and their ecosystems:
    • Sacramento – San Joaquin River Watershed and Bay Delta, including Morrison Creek and Suisun Bay, with projects located within the Delta or in San Joaquin County highly encouraged
    • Humboldt and Arcadia Bay, and Mad River Watershed
    • Southern California Bight and Los Angeles area waterbodies, including  Santa Ana River, and San Gabriel River
    • Russian River and its tributaries, Laguna de Santa Rosa, and local watersheds in Mendocino County
    • There are very limited funds for San Francisco Bay, Santa Cruz area, Lombardi Creek, and Central Coast area water bodies
  • Applicant requirements: Projects with substantial community participation and/or support are encouraged. The applicant must demonstrate the capacity to complete the proposed project, including experience in successfully conducting similar or otherwise related work in the past.
  • Non-profit Status: The applicant must be a 501(c)3 organization, fiscally-sponsored by a 501(c)3, or a governmental or tribal entity.
  • Environmental Justice: While this is not specifically an environmental justice fund, supporting environmental and social justice is a core organizational value that guides all of our grantmaking. Projects that advance environmental justice as well as water quality will receive preference.
  • Frequency of Applying: Organizations whose proposals are rejected may re-apply after one year. Organizations that are funded may re-apply after one year if their evaluation form has been submitted and accepted.
  • Duration of Support: Most grants are for a one year period; however, you do not have to ask for a one year grant. It is permitted to request a shorter or longer grant period if that is what you need.

California Watershed Protection Fund Grants are not recommended for very small organizations or first-time grant seekers.

For more information regarding Eligibility Requirements, please click here.

Application Process

To apply, applicants must complete a 2-step process using our online grant system. The first step is to submit a letter of inquiry. Any group that meets the eligibility criteria is welcome to submit a letter of inquiry. We expect to receive a large number of letters of inquiry. Because of limited funding, only a limited number of applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.

Step 1) Letter of Inquiry

All interested applicants must submit an online letter of inquiry as an initial step. This letter allows Rose Foundation to determine if the proposal appears to be a good fit for the California Watershed Protection Fund.

If you are new to our online grants software, you must first register with your organization’s name, tax ID number, website address, telephone numbers, email address, mailing address, contact person’s name, and position. Your email address will be your logon ID and you will set up a password.

The letter of inquiry is an introduction to the applicant and the proposed project. There will be some questions regarding the applicant’s history, and questions about the project itself. Please use this opportunity to give us an idea of who you are and what you want to do.

Step 2) Application

If invited, applicants should submit the full application. This is where the applicant should provide detailed descriptions of the project, its outcomes, strategies, organizational and project financials, etc. Applicants will also have the opportunity to attach references and publications.

Deadlines and Submittal Process

Letters of Inquiry
Submit your Letter of Inquiry to Rose Foundation’s online grant application portal at
The deadline for letters of inquiry is: Ferbaury 15, 2019 at 5PM PST.

Full Proposals
After review of all Letters of Inquiry, a limited number of applicants will be invited to submit Full Proposals. If a full proposal is invited, it will be due: April 19, 2019 at 5PM PST.

For More Information

Laura Fernandez, Program Officer or 510-658-0702 x304

Tim Little, Executive Director or 510-658-0702 x301

Please visit Rose Foundation’s website:

Phote Credit: Grantee Humboldt Baykeeper
rose-email-footer-break 2Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment
Facebook: Rose Foundation and New Voices Are Rising
Twitter: @RoseFoundation and @NewVoicesRising

USFS & NFWF’s Spring 2019 Northern California Forests and Watersheds RFP is now online!

January 12, 2019

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Pacific Southwest Region are proud to announce that the Spring 2019 Northern California Forests and Watersheds Request for Proposals (RFP) for $4.86 million is now available at!

As a potential grant applicant, you are more than welcome to submit more than one proposal per National Forest.  Within the RFP Appendix, each National Forest has identified a variety of potential immediate conservation projects that can be proposed and applicants are also encouraged to submit other project ideas.

The Eldorado National Forest and Lassen National Forest have partnered with NFWF to restore the watersheds and ecosystems affected by the Power and Storrie fires. The Klamath National Forest, Shasta-Trinity National Forest and Six Rivers National Forest have also recently partnered with NFWF to restore fish passage barriers and watershed infrastructure.  NFWF also invites Sierra Nevada meadow restoration projects that will benefit the Desert Terminal Lakes basins. Through this program, NFWF will invest in projects that:

  • ​Provide sustainable and lasting ecological benefits to watersheds;
  • Promote ecological resilience to the forest/watersheds;
  • Provide additional efficiency and innovation to improve forest health, and;
  • Repair critical infrastructure such as trails, stream crossings and roads that benefit fish and wildlife.

As a reminder, non-federal match will be a factor in the proposal evaluation, but it is not the only factor.  If non-federal match is a concern, please contact NFWF’s Candace Leong at 415-593-8253 or as we encourage everyone to apply.

Contact: Candace Leong, Manager, Northern California Forest
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

90 New Montgomery St, Suite 1010, San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-593-8253


Calaveras County Water District hires new general manager

January 10, 2019

The Calaveras County Water District Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Michael Minkler has been hired as the new general manager of the District. The Board unanimously approved his contract on Wednesday January 9, and his first day on the job will be February 19.

News Release:

Congratulations Michael!

MCWRA Letter to California Departments of Water Resources and Fish & Wildlife

November 15, 2018

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) encouraging regional interests inclusion in Voluntary Settlement Agreement conversation.

November 13, 2018

To:  Karla Nemeth, Director, California Department of Water Resources and Chuck Bonham, Director, California Department of Fish & Wildlife

Thank you for attending the State Water Resources Control Board hearing on November 7, 2018.  I was very pleased to hear both of you talk about the tributaries to the Delta, but more specifically the need for inclusion and restoration in the mountain counties region as part of your comprehensive approach that will hopefully find its way into the voluntary settlement agreements.  I applaud your efforts, along with Governor Brown, Governor elect Newsom, and the appeal from those working on settlement agreements to persuade the Water Board to postpone acting on a misguided staff proposal.  I strongly support Water Board Member Dee Dee D’Adamo’s call for “balancing the needs of fish with the needs of cities and the people who live in them – people whose lives and jobs are dependent on that water.  We must also consider the needs of agriculture, and the beneficial use of water to grow crops.” This too should apply to the mountain counties area….

Letter2018 Bay Delta Plan Letter to KN and CB

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