May 9, 2011 – San Francisco Chronicle – Plan for delta full of holes

May 9, 2011

This article appeared on May 9, 2011 in the San Francisco Chronicle and forwarded by Randy Kanouse @ EBMUD. Delta Plan Full of Holes- San Francisco Chronicle – May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011 – Coalition Responds to DSC Third Draft Plan/ Request Individual Letters

May 9, 2011

Attached are the two letters to the Delta Stewardship Council (DSC)expressing strong concerns with the third draft of the Delta Plan.   AND, a template from ACWA to use on your own letterhead.  Please copy Mark Rentz at ACWA and me.  Thank you. The first 5-page letter includes signatories from a very broad coalition including the Association […]

May 6, 2011 – Delta Plan Lacks Goal

May 6, 2011

I received this article from Randy Kanouse at East Bay Municipal Utility District. “Delta Plan Lacks Goal, Options, Panel Says,” which appeared in today’s San Francisco Chronicle. Delta Plan Lacks Goal – Francisco Chronicle – May 6, 2011

May 4, 2011 – California Board of Food & Ag – Letter to DSC

May 6, 2011

May 4 the California Board of Food & Agriculture send comment letter to the Phil Isenberig and the Delta Stewardship Council. CA Board of Food & Ag Letter to DSC – May 4, 2011

April 29, 2011 – PCWA Water urges PG&E to act on canal fix as soon as possible (Auburn Journal)

May 4, 2011

The Placer County Water Agency is expressing frustration at the lack of an immediate fix to a canal break that is estimated to cost Placer’s agricultural community at least $10 million in losses. The agency is demanding immediate action to either a temporary supply or permanent fix to a Bear River Canal break that is […]

MCWRA is on Facebook

May 3, 2011

Mountain Counties Water Resources Association is now on facebook.   Please help us to get to 25 fans, so we can get our vanity url (instead of the long address below). Go to and “Like” us. Thanks, John Kingsbury

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