Membership Categories
Executive Membership — (Varies by Organization)
Click to Print — Join – Membership Application – Executive
Water Purveyors – (≥ 15,000 connections, including wholesale account connections) $21,203.15
Water Purveyors – (≥ 6,500 but < 15,000 connections, including wholesale account connections) (category includes non-purveyor with broad water jurisdiction; i.e. public district, public agency) $11,266.80
Water Purveyors – (≥ 1,250 but < 6,500 connections, including wholesale account connections) $5,221.35
Water Purveyors – (<1,250 connections, including wholesale accounts connections) $1,329.43
Non-Purveyor – County $1,646.15
Counties less than 20,000 in population $1,202.33
Counties less than 10,000 in population $695.98
Any county, public district, or other public agency located in the State of California in the counties of origin or adjacent to the central region of the Sierra Nevada who is involved in water development, acquisition, treatment, or storage may become an Executive Member of Mountain Counties upon written application, approval by the Board, and payment of the required membership dues. Acceptance to Executive Membership shall authorize full participation in activities of Mountain Counties. The General Manager, Executive Officer, or appointed representative shall represent its organization in the Executive Membership of Mountain Counties and shall be the voting representative from its public entity.
Associate Membership — (Varies by Size)
Click to Print — Join – Membership Application – Associate
Large – Organization of four or more individuals $823.08*
Small – Organization of three or less individuals $506.35*
* (Membership includes company information & link on MCWRA website)
Association – $ Varies
Any consulting organization, or corporation involved in treating, controlling, developing, acquiring, using or supplying water for any purpose (including protecting, drainage, or reclamation of lands, and/or producing power) for the inhabitants or lands within the counties of origin or adjacent to the central region of the Sierra Nevada in the State of California may become an Associate Member of Mountain Counties upon written application, approval by the Board, and payment of the required membership dues. Acceptance to Associate Membership shall authorize participation in activities of Mountain Counties but shall not entitle any right to vote or hold office.
Affiliate Membership — (Varies by Organization)
Click to Print — Join – Membership Application – Affiliate
Water Purveyors – (≥ 15,000 connections, including wholesale account connections) $5,301.30
Water Purveyors – (< 15,000 connections, including wholesale account connections) $2,816.70
Water Purveyors – (< 6,500 connections, including wholesale account connections) $1,305.85
Water Purveyors – (<1,250 connections, including wholesale accounts connections) $332.10
Any water purveyor involved indirectly with MCWRA and/or its executive members in achieving mutual regulatory, political and legislative goals for this region, its members and those affiliated with MCWRA. Acceptance to Affiliate Membership shall authorize participation in activities of Mountain Counties but shall not entitle any right to vote or hold office. Membership Dues are consistent with the customer base ratio as applied to its Executive Membership.
Honorary Life Membership
Any individual who has tendered conspicuous service in furthering the purposes of Mountain Counties may become an Honorary Life Member of Mountain Counties upon approval by the Board. Acceptance to Honorary Life Membership shall authorize participation in the activities of Mountain Counties but shall not entitle any right to vote or hold office.
Ex-Officio Membership
Board appointed delegate to the Board of Directors. Delegate is past Director (Board Member) and serves on behalf of the Board of Directors. As ex-officio members of their board, the delegate attends board meetings “by reason of their office,” rather than through elections, but shall not be entitled to vote.