May 9, 2011 – Coalition Responds to DSC Third Draft Plan/ Request Individual Letters

May 9, 2011

Attached are the two letters to the Delta Stewardship Council (DSC)expressing strong concerns with the third draft of the Delta Plan.   AND, a template from ACWA to use on your own letterhead.  Please copy Mark Rentz at ACWA and me.  Thank you.

The first 5-page letter includes signatories from a very broad coalition including the Association expressing continued concerns with the broad policy direction being proposed in the third draft.

Delta Coalition Letter – May 6, 2011

The second 14-page letter is from the water community and presents specific, detailed concerns and recommended changes with the third draft on a chapter-by-chapter basis.

Delta Water_Community Comments – May 6, 2011

ACWA:   We encourage individual water agencies, other Ag-Urban II participants, and interested parties to file a letter with the Delta Stewardship Council expressing support for the positions set forth in the two letters.  Attached you will find a form letter of support, which may be of assistance to you as you draft your letter.  Please feel free to craft the support letter in a manner that describes your agency and the importance of Council to revisit the approach currently reflected in the third draft of the Delta Plan.

Delta Stewardship Council

980 Ninth Street, Suite 1500

Sacramento, California  95814

Re:      Third Draft – Delta Plan

Dear Chairman Isenberg and Members of the Council:

A coalition of agencies and organizations representing the interests of water agencies, businesses and farms, and local government (coalition) from every part of the State of California submitted two comment letters on Friday, May 6, 2011 to the Delta Stewardship Council (Council).  The first letter expressed commonly held concerns regarding the approach the Council is taking in developing the Delta Plan.  The second letter provided specific comments on the third draft of the Delta Plan (Third Draft).

The _______________ (Agency Name),has been an active participant in this coalition.  On April 8, 2011 we supported with our signature (if applicable) the coalition’s first letter to the Council, and we continue to support the comments, conclusions and recommendations expressed therein. We have had a chance to read the coalition letters, and we fully support the positions taken in each letter.  While we acknowledge and appreciate that there have been some significant and important improvements to the Third Draft of the Delta Plan, many of the fundamental concerns we identified in the April 8, 2011 coalition letter have not been resolved in the Third Draft.

We remain committed to working with the Council as partner and responsible agency in developing a plan that is centered on proactive solutions that help to meet coequal goals of ecosystem restoration and water supply reliability.


 __________________ (Name/Agency)

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