Member News

December 10, 2016

EID Logo (4)

El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) receives $476,709 grant from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy for their Caples Creek Watershed Ecological Restoration Project, 

This grant to the El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) will complete forest management and restoration activities on 6,800 acres within the larger South Fork American River Watershed, which is the primary water supply for more than 110,000 people and businesses served by the EID. Project work will include prescribed fire, meadow restoration, and aspen enhancement, and will be implemented in partnership with the USFS, Eldorado National Forest over a four-year period.

Sierra Nevada Conservancy

pcwa-logoPlacer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board approves groundwater management approach for Martis Valley.

At their December 5 meeting, the Board approved an alternative submittal for the Martis Valley Groundwater Basin to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).  If approved by California Department of Water Resources, this alternative submittal meets requirements for local agencies to achieve sustainable groundwater management under legislation enacted in 2014.

MORE: 12-06-2016_pcwa_board_approves_groundwater_management_approach_for_martis_valley

Tuolutudmne Utilities District (TUD) receives $496,000 grant from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy for their Lyons South Fork Watershed Forest Resiliency Project.

The Lyons South Fork Watershed Forest Resiliency Project will improve water quality, forest health and help protect our communities by building a fuel break along the flume of the Tuolumne Main Canal.

TUD News Release:  snc-grant_lyonssoforkproject_final-1








Sierra Nevada Conservancy



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