Delta Conservancy – Proposition 1 Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Grant Program

August 10, 2015

Image result for sacramento san joaquin delta conservancy

In Prop. 1, $50 million is identified for the Conservancy “for competitive grants for multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects in accordance with statewide priorities (Sec. 79730 and 79731).”

Per Prop. 1 and the Conservancy’s enabling legislation, emphasis will be placed on projects using public lands and that “maximizes voluntary landowner participation in projects that provide measureable and long-lasting habitat or species improvements in the Delta.”

To the extent feasible, projects need to promote state planning priorities and sustainable communities strategies consistent with Government Code 65080(b)(2)(B). Furthermore, all proposed projects must be consistent with statewide priorities as identified in Prop. 1, the California Water Action Plan, the Conservancy’s enabling legislation, the Delta Plan, and the Conservancy’s Strategic Plan.

The solicitation period for the submission of Concept Proposals is now open. Concept proposals will be accepted until 5:00 pm, Monday, September 14, 2015.

More:  Delta Conservancy Grant Page

Eligible Projects ; page 5


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