19th annual Lake Tahoe Summit – OP ED

August 21, 2015

Special to The Sacramento Bee

BY ANDREW FECKO, Placer County Water Agency and  JOHN KINGSBURY, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association

When elected officials from California and Nevada meet Monday for the 19th annual Lake Tahoe Summit, much attention will be given to the clarity of the lake and protecting the unique basin environment.  Part of the discussion must include the health of our national forests and their associated watersheds. As the 2007 Angora fire reminds us, no community, no matter how treasured, is immune to the effects of forest fire.

…We believe that the Tahoe region’s congressional representatives should take the opportunity at the summit to agree to promote healthy forests and, by extension, protect our watersheds. A framework is in place with HR 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015.


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